My school is a prestigious university and sets students up to succeed.
The University of Washington is a public research institution that values the growth and diversity of the students attending this commonly labeled "Public Ivy League."
The University of Washington is located in a beautiful area, with a diverse population, offering a multitude of majors, clubs, sports, and activities for all students, while being a world renowned learning institution that creates opportunities for successful careers.
Environmental friendly
UW is education, diversity, choices, opportunities, support, family, home, fun and over all AMAZING!
A school where there are individuals striving for their future career comming together to win friendships and a rewarding education.
Grand. Most of the buildings are brick, adding an elegant, old personality to the campus. Beautiful. For a city school, the UW campus has plenty of green--the sprawling lawns in the Quad and Rainier Vista, the roses and trees near Drumheller Fountain, the famous cherry trees that bloom only once a year for a couple precious weeks.
The most famous image of UW is our quad. That is literally a quadrilateral shaped patch of grass in the middle of campus. The grass itself is not phenomenal, it's the cherry trees that make it stand out. Every Spring, they blossom like no bodies business and literally people from not only around the country, but around the globe come to take their pictures with falling petals. People even get married here. Regularly.
Encompassing the quad are four similarly styled buildings that compliment the red brick, while our oldest building can be seen from the exact center. We have a beautiful graduate library, Suzzalo, and a hideous building (Kane) and undergraduate library (Odegaard).
Building for the most part vary, as the architecture spans decades and newer buildings become more and more modern.
The other visual highlight would be our Drumheller Fountain. From our main "Red" Square, straight to the giant fountain is an uninterrupted view of Mt. Rainier. And by uninterrupted, it is actually illegal to build anything that would impinge on the vista. Go ahead, google it.
We are the Dawgs and we fight when times get tough until we get through it, so its the perfect school for me!
A diverse community of intelligent young adults and their mentors that strive to better not only themselves but the world around them.
The people are friendly, it is always clean but it looks lived in, the people that are there are excited to be there, something is always going on.
Benedictine University helps its students build strong foundations for their future.
The University of Washington is very research-oriented, with faculty experts in many fields, and also offers a range of academic resources and extracurricular activities.
The University of Washington is a very exciting and unique school that provides a wide range of oppurtunities for many different types of people.
The beauty of the campus makes you stand in awe and appreciate fully where you are, the city is always alive and exciting, and people are friendlier than any I have met, and the workload is more than worth it.
There is a really strong sense of community and progress that makes the atmosphere really appreciable.
My school strives to be diverse not only intellectually, but amongst its student body.
The UW Seattle is a beautiful university that offers a professional music program where I can study with a renouned classical guitarist and draw closer to realizing my goals.
High quality education at a low cost of attendance.