Most stereotypes are accurate to some degree, and inaccurate to an almost equal degree.
Yes. Mostly asians and white kids...
Biz school classes are small
Greek system is very elitist...
It does rain a lot, but it doesn't pour everyday, usually just a light mist. And the tree hugger thing, we are pretty enviromentally conscious, but most of us are not extreme. I have definitely never seen anyone litter here though.
These stereotypes are semi accurate. You do see the liberal hippies, but they are the most voiced of the students. These students, I believe, are a minority on campus. They are the most visible; however, and can be seen all across campus trying to spread their message/beliefs. Everyday, there is some sort of protest stand in front of the student services building (HUB). The University's population is very diverse, the liberal hippies just stand out, as they are the most vocal with their beliefs.
I already kind of explained it in the first question, so no, these stereotypes are absolutely 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} wrong!!!
Most are. Only baise toward political views.
its just friendly rivalry
To a point. We have a fair amount of students who are "nerdy" but the majority of students participate in many activities and are very active.
As for the liberal stereotype, it is quite true although the republicans do try to make an impact once in a while...
Not completely. There is a lot of variety within washington
for the most part, yes
I honestly don't think there are many stereotypes or categories you could fit the entire UW into. With over 40,000 students there are certainly countless different types of people with a wide variety of interests. While it is true that the university and its students tend to be very environmentally conscious, I wouldn't say that UW is teaming with be-dreaded, hemp-wearing hippies.
NO. All I found in Seattle, and specifically Washington in general, was backwards thinking and behind the times attitudes and styles. Washington people were not cool in fact they were trashy and had no concept of the real world or anything outside their miserable state. However, academically the students perform well at the UW and have a great interest in their higher education.
Largely true. There is an abundance of the aforementioned type and if you're vocal, being liberal is almost a requirement. But since the school is so large there really is someone that fits you somewhere on campus. It may take a while to find them.
No. After a quarter or 2 at UW, it's hard to walk around campus without running into people you know. And as far as the class size-- you get out of every class what you put into it. If you go talk to the professors, they'll get to know you-- and the professors WANT to hear from you. They get bored when students don't visit them.
Another thing-- It IS possible to graduate in 4 years, but it's definitely harder if you double major or add a minor or 2. Most students I know who are 5th year (or "super seniors" or doing their "victory lap") are in honors programs or double major/double degree students.
I would say that the stereotypes are somewhat true. I wouldn't necessarily say that we're all hippies but we definitely do like to study hard as well as listen to music. You will usually see people with their ipods walking down the street. We are a very open group of people and I love living here.
no its 33 percent asian and not everyone listens to grunge