I brag about the quallity of knowledge that I am getting, and I brag about the freedom to find what subject suits me the best.
It has a badminton court
What I brag most about UW is mostly the lifestyle I had when in college. Above the schooling and the studying, I was living in the heart of Seattle. It was a wonderful time to learn about myself and there were so many events to go to as it is a very multicultural school. It truly was a place to explore creativity and being in the pacific northwest where unemployment rates are low, the type of jobs right out of college are fruitful.
I usually do not have to brag about my school. All of my friends are familiar with the school that I attend and most are quite envious of the opportunity that I have been given to attend and learn there. The University of Washington has a stellar reputation as one of the premier learning institutions in the world. Many of my friends applied but were not fortunate enough to be accepted into the school. I have been given a gift that I acknowledge gratitude for on practically a daily basis.
The fact that I am equi-distant to the sea, rainforest, and mountains, as well as equi-distant to Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, British Columbia.
Enroll into the EFS so you can get to know campus and you get to know the dorms. Attend the home football games. They are a lot of fun and the crowd gets really load and supportive. Declare a major, especially if you are a Washington State resident. Even though "rushing" was an extremely intense experience, the Greek system is another good way to meet and to get to know people, so worth checking out. I love being at a big school in a big city, like Seattle. This is the kinda of college I always wanted to attend.
The beauty of the city and my campus as well as the cultural surrounding them.
The University of Washington-Seattle Campus is such a beautiful campus. In the Winter, snow covers the campus in a light layer of white snow; many compare the campus in the winter to "Hogwarts in the winter" from the "Harry Potter" movies. In the Spring, the campus bursts with color from the blooming flowers, and the wonderful cherry blossoms that bloom around the quad. The beauty of the campus sets such a wonderful learning, relaxing, and calming environment. The University of Washington-Seattle Campus is such a great campus and I highly recomend it to all who are interested.
I had a great experience taking Ancient Greek for a year. The class was small, the prof was tough, but fair. The subject was interesting and really broadened my educational experience. If I had to do it over again, I'd take Ancient Greek again, without a doubt.
The University of Washington is ranked among the top in the nation and has highly competitive and selective programs.
Red Square. It's always busy, something is always going on and I'm sure it was home to a lot of protests and movements. Its gourgous all times of the year and makes you feel apart of the school, the community even though thousands of people walk through it. But you always get a smile from someone. It feels like home.
Loved the campus and the city. Loved many of my professors and getting to know many of our visiting guests to the classes.
Everything about the University of Washington is exceptional. The energy of the school moves within the students and professors; they are what drive the motivations and goals. Thousands of courses are available, with expert professors to conduct the material. Being a language major, and having always loved language and learning, I am personally delighted with the range of material covered in the Spanish and English majors. I frequently "educate" my friends about what I am learning. There are so many facets of information, as well as the diversity and entertainment, which keep the college exciting and educational. It is perfect!
Going to the University of Washington (Seattle Campus) has not only given me a world class edcuation (particularly in the sciences), but has also allowed me to have an awesome social life as a member of a sorority. I feel so prepared to go to dental school next year, but am sad to leave UW. Seattle is such a great place to go to school with great parks, restaurants, beaches, and shopping all within 10 minutes of campus. Attending UW sports events (especially football and basketball) have also been some of the most memorable college experiences.
I often tell my friends or acquaintences that UW is one of the top 20 research universities in the world (which, by fact, it is). It is reknown for its medical, social work, and nursing programs, and I'm incredibly proud to also say that it is an old university. It has a strong historical foundation, and most locals know that to be accepted means that you're a great student and an all-around involved and active person.
The University of Washington is a very well known school, and its department of psychology is nationally accredited.
When talking about the University of Washington, I often discuss the academics. The professors in the departments are leaders in their respective fields. My majors? departments employs several professors who are world-renown. Also, several departments are world-famous, including the medical, engineering, and business departments. Another aspect I believe separates the University of Washington from any other university is the scenery of majestic Mt. Rainier, the beautiful Cascade Mountains to the east, the Olympic Mountains and Puget Sound to the west, and the site of the skyscrapers of downtown Seattle, all can be seen from the stunning campus.
My school has succesfully accomplished in doing what other universities still strive toward: peaceful diversity, strong education, and providing a plethora of opportunities for students to discover themselves in whichever way pleases them. What pleases me the most is the fact that class sizes range from 30, 150, 200, 400, and even 700. And to accommodate for the larger classes and their "impersonal environments", UW provides required "quiz sections"; much smaller classes of 30-40 students to help clarify topics covered in the lectures. This helps turn a rather large and frightening university into a much smaller and accommodating school.
When I see my friends, the first thing I brag about is how tiny my dorm room is. Then I tell them about how big some of my classes are.