Asian, green, politically left caffeine addicts.
Very academically based, lots of International Students, liberal, and green!
Very academically based, lots of International Students, liberal, and green!
Tons of Asians and mostly white kids from Washington. You're a number, big lecture classes, greek system is annoying,\
Seattle is known as a 'rainy' city, even though, based on precipitation alone, we don't even make it to the top 10 rainiest cities in the US. However, it is true that, throughout the year, we have much more cloudy and rainy days than we do sunny days. Seattleites never take weather for granted. We enjoy sunny days, but we do know that 'a sunny day will always be followed by a week's worth of rain' or clouds.
There are tons of asians there and they are super competitive, was a stereotype.
That it rains all the time, and that we are all tree huggers.
Seattle, in general and particularly the University District, is seen as a bunch of granola eating, liberal hippies. As such, University students are expected to be seen eating organic foods and drinking fair trade coffee, while wearing their sandals and riding their long-boards across campus.
Before i entered UW, i heard that classes were really huge, and that you'll never be able to meet your professors. However, once i got here, i realized that it's like any other school except larger. The classes really are huge, like i think my largest one is about 400 students, but you don't really notice the huge difference between a small or large class. It really doesn't make a difference. Just sit in the front if you feel like sitting in the back makes it difficult to learn. Before i entered college, i also thought that in high school i always went up to my teachers to get help, how am i suppose to succeed in college if i can't even meet my professors? In reality, these professors at UW really care if their students learn. They provide office hours and if that's not enough, there's centers that helps in each specific subject, such as the chemistry study center, math study center and CLUE which is like a tutoring center where they help students later on in the evening. As for the people at UW, they are very well rounded students. It's really different than high school - no high school dramas. i believe that it's really easy to make friends here at UW, there are a variety of students from different backgrounds. They don't judge you by your looks, they accept you the way you are. I never feel left out in my new circle of friends and all my new friends that i've met became friends with my other new friends that i met throughout the quarters. So we all get along really well.
Free thinkers, unbaise, muti-cultural exceptance
We are alcoholics , stuck up, asian
Friendly, coffee drinkers, poor fashion sense
we dont like the cougars
That we are all nerds who study all the time. Also that we're a very very liberal school.
Hippies, all very outdoorsey, into rock bands
very intelligent students, party school, tough classes, huge Greek system, top of the list for research, one of the top public schools in the nation
Seattle is a very liberal city, however, and as such its inhabitants and students at the UW are often considered to be hippies or nature freaks, wearing Birkenstocks and toting picket signs.
Washington, more specifically is seen as a really hip and trendy city-- which is why, as a San Francisco Bay area native, I found it so appealing.
Drippy Hippie tree huggers who survive on a steady diet of free trade coffee under a barrage of constant rain.
Some think UW is overwhelming because of it's size and also because so many classes are HUGE. Also, some think that everyone takes 5 or more years to graduate.