Freshman year at this school leaves much opportunity for students to figure out what it is they want to do with both their time in and outside college. There are many great programs that the University of Washington offers to freshman to ease their way into the college life and campus. However, it becomes extremely difficult after the first year. Not knowing what you want to do will make it hard to graduate on time. Also, the weather is not for the light of heart.
A person who likes to be at a world class institution and doesn't always need one-on-one attention. A person who enjoys sports, and the resulting school spririt. Someone who is more independent, and is interested in a variety of different things because there are no limit to the diverse classes a person can take here. Also, someone who doesn't mind the rain.
a person who is not willing to try and achieve a better grade
and a person who can't handle the intensity of hardness that is portrayed in the classes.
Someone that prefers a small campus with few students in each class would not like this university. You should not attend the University of Washington if you have a problem with rain or horrid weather. Seattle is known to have cloudy weather 10 months out of the year and many people become depressed. Students that do not like to work with others should not attend this school either because the university is huge, and there is lots of group work that is required in order to be academically successful.
The type of people that shouldn't attend this school are those who dislike large lecture halls because the ones here can consist of hundreds of people. Also, people who have trouble studying on their own shouldn't choose this school. Although there may be study groups and review sessions they aren't always effective since there can be a lot of people.
Anyone can attend this school. It doesn't really matter what G.P.A the students got in their high schools. It is very different. However, a person who wants to meet and be close to other racial group should not come to this school. Because at this school, we don't really get along with different racial group.
A person who likes a small atmosphere, would probably not like this school due to it's large scale campus.
People who are narrow minded, unfocused and unable to deal with diversity.
someone who isn't willing to work with others
all people will find something interesting but the classes are difficult