University of Washington-Seattle Campus Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Washington-Seattle Campus?


Competitivenss within specific majors is extremely stressful so be sure to focus on what your goals are and what you want to study. Plan for options A, B, and C.


Very expensive for out of state tuition and housing.


Often times the professors design exams to have low averages, so even "doing well" on an exam still results in a fairly low score. Also, study materials for exams are often extremely limited, so most study material is limited to lectures, homework, and the textbook, which in most cases provide little preparation for the actual exams, which often demand extraneous knowledge. Also, courses are designed to be extremely difficult in order to keep the majors they're required for competitive, so it is frustrating to see years of hard work come to naught because of the high work load.


The amount of financial aid I recieved is extremely frustrating. I have 7 people dependent on my father in my household with a low income yet I'm still expected to pay a large tuition fee anually because I'm an out of state student.


I had to graduate a quarter later than I wanted because I ended up being half a credit short as a result of how credits from a previous school transfered. This would not have been a problem if I had not met with my adviser, done all the math with her, and submitted my graduation application the quarter before I was notified of the mistake. Notification also came after the add period, so I could not do an emergency add to what would have been my final quarter.


I really did like UW, however the most frustrating thing in my experience is the huge size of the campus. Students will sometimes not have enough time to make it from one class to another, or will have to take the bus across campus. Also, I found the safety of the University District to be quite poor. My house got broken into and stolen from three times in three years, and I know several people who personally experienced or witnessed muggings in the area.


Lack of diversity


The most frustrating thing about the University of Washington is the current state of financial aid. Since the state has been cutting funding drastically, the school has been forced to increase tuition to unprecedented levels while offering less and less financial aid. Because of this, students like me are put in a dilemma as more often than not, the small income earned from part time jobs and loans are simply not enough. If there was one thing I would change about the University of Washington, is I would make it more affordable.


At times it feels too big, especially when I have classes on opposite ends of the campus. Also, the traffic when rushing to class when they are on opposite ends of the campus.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that there are limited to no scholarships for out of state students. I feel that the out of state students are paying a lot of money to go to such a great institution however there are not very many options for scholarships or financial aid compared to Washington residents. The residents' tuition is significantly less than those of out of state students. I just wish that there were more options and opportunities for the students who are paying for school out of state.


There is not much socializing directly before, during, or after classes, making it hard to meet new people.


As a student at the University of Washington, the most frustrating thing about my school is the shear size of the school. It is hard to get adjusted and find your way around the school. In the classes, it can be difficult to make friends at first because the class sizes are so large. The best area to make friends is in the tutorials they have attached to the schools.


Financial aid--the school is expensive, particularly for out-of-state students such as myself, and the majority of scholarships and aid available go only to in-state students, who get reduced tuition to begin with.


For introductory level classes in popular majors it can be hard to get into the class sections that you want, espeially during the first few quarters.


Due to over 40,000 students (undergrad + grad), there aren't enough support and help from advisors/consultants compare to small private schools.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the lack of freedom and time to figure out what you want to do if you want to graduate on time. There is also a lot of competition going on and though, competition is good, it sometimes causes me to lose a little self confidence in my ability to succeed in what I am trying to accomplish. There is a lot of "on your own" learning for tests in class and some people, like myself, have trouble in


There are mostly really young people attending and they all act it.


Little on campus housing and as it was so large finding a part-time job that wasn't already filled.


The most fustrating is if you schedule your classes back to back and your classes are on the opposite side of the campus. It is very rushy to get from one class to another when you only have 10 minutes to get there. But at least it's good exercise - so that guarantees you won't gain the Freshmen 15!!


The thing that probably most frustrates me about my school is not the size of the school and its population, but the problems that come with the size. What I mean by that is, I like the size of my school and its number of students, but when I need help with my financial account at the school, I receive little help; more often than not, I just get passed around from room to room, and building to building.