University of West Georgia Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known how much of the financial responsibilty was going to fall on my shoulders. As a transfer student to an out of state school, I wasn't elligible for financial aid other than loans. Though my education is an investment, a loan was the last thing I wanted to take to get my education started and finished, however I have no choice and not going to school is not an option.


I wish I had known about the way things are done here. People don't give you information about where to go or what to do or even just where to look. You have to trip over it on your own. I wish I had known that grades don't matter, that you don't get scholarships for academics. I wish I had known that fees went up every semester. I wish I had known about that low strandards and how certain demographics are catered to at the expense of others.


That I would feel in a minority regarding my level of commitment to doing well academically. Most students here seem not to care.


That it is basically a commuter school and that most students go home on the weekends


I wish I would have known how different college really is from high school in aspects like class grades, attendance, and just keeping up. I also wish I would have known how difficult is it to live on your own and manage things like money and time. And lastly I wish I would have known how much you really grow and find yourself in college. High school problems and insecurities become laughable when you face college life.


That all semesters count.


Although, I am glad I came to this school to get my bachleor's degree in Criminology; I wish I would have known more about the department and its professors before I came.


I wish I would have known how intense my major would be. I am a Middle Grades Education Major with concentration in teaching Math and Science. I didn't know that I'll be doing three semesters of UNPAID student teaching - which prevents me from working. This has been very stressful for me.




I wish I had known more people here.