University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wisconsin-Green Bay know before they start?


I would tell myself to try your hardest and give it all you have. Despite not having the best grades in highschool mostly c's and b's, just doing what I had to to pass. I went into college with the same attitude. I will do what I have to with the least effort just to pass. I quickly learned that this mind set was not going to work in college. I started to try and put time and effort into the work I did and studying. I began getting a's and by the first semester of my junior yr I got my first straight A semester and every sesmester (the next 5) I got straight a's and graduated with a 3.74 gpa. I learned so much about myself and what I could do if I gave a 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} and really tried. I graduated with not only a degree put with so much pride in myself and self confidence. I plan to continue my edcation and am going back to school this fall to get a masters degree and am truly look forward to continuing on this jouney.


I would advise myself to be strong and be no one but my utter self. I would advise myself to try hard and try everything, not to be afraid and take every opportunity that comes my way. I would advise myself to travel and have fun, and love yourself and others.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships. That is one thing I didn't really do while I was a senior. I thought I'd be fine financial wise and I'm not! I would also tell myself to go out and make more friends during the first couple weeks of being on campus. I made a few friends, but later in the semester they stopped talking to me so I didn't have many people to hang out with. Another thing I would tell myself would be to join organizations and get involved on campus. I recently joined Habitat for Humanity and I really wish I would've joined early to get the full experience for the four years I will be attending college. Lastly, I would tell myself to focus on my schoolwork instead of barely getting by. I'm really paying for my lack of motivation my first semester now as I'm trying to raise my GPA.


Looking back and seeing myself as an ignorant and insecure high school senior oblivious to the challenges that lay ahead I would offer but one crucial piece of advice: believe in yourself. My college experienced allowed me to expand, error, and learn how to become a man of principle and discipline. I was inhibited by my own insecurities and those impressed upon me by others. Embracing your faults and loving yourself for all that you are and are not will provide you with the confidence needed to tackle any obstacle. Also follow this simple plan for success: direction-organization-preparation-attitude. Treat everyone with respect and kindness as you never how they might impact your life. Above all take time to enjoy the moment as you only pass through this time in your life but once, so make the most of it.


If I could go back in time to talk to my high school self, I would tell myself which direction to go. I was undecided when I started college, so I went to UW-Manitowoc to complete my gen ed credits. I then transfered to UW-Green Bay. I would tell myself to focus on art and take the psycology credits I needed for grad school. That way, I could have started grad school a year earlier, instead of being an undergrad for 5 years. I would also give myself an explanation to the question "what are you going to do with an art degree?" When I was an undergrad, I would have loved to be able to tell people that I was going to use art to help people cope with hard times in their lives. I did not decied to get my Master's Degree in Art Therapy until my fourth year of undergrad. I would also keep reminding myself that it will be worth it. It was hard working full time while going to school full time, but it made me a stronger person, and it made me value my education more.


Apply, apply, apply for scholarships! There's always a chance for you to get one. Also, don't slack off your senior year. College only is harder.


If you love to do something, do not scare yourself into thinking you cannot pursue it. Do not choose a path that you are not going to enjoy just because it might be easier. Challenge yourself and follow your heart. If you are good at something do not throw that gift away. God gave it to you, so use it.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would give myself a lot of advice. The most important thing would be to enjoy the rest of high school and make the most of it. I wish I would have stayed in touch with many of my high school classmates after graduation. I would tell myself to become involved as much as possible in high school, college, and life. Another important thing would be to save as much money as possible for college. I would tell myself this because college is expensive and although I saved a lot of money for college, students still seem to run out quickly. Lastly, I would tell myself to make as many friends during your first week of college. This is because during the first week of college, people are looking to fit in. By going out and talking to people, one makes connections quickly, that may even last a life time. I wish I would have done this more my first weeks of college. These are just a few of the important pieces of advice that I would give myself if I could go back in time.


While I advocate and encourage young minds to seize educational opportunities immediately after graduating high school, I have slightly different advice for you, McKenzie. You will not fully appreciate the importance and experience that is college without first having to endure the challenges of living with nothing more than a high school diploma. Years of low pay, long hours, and an overwhelming absence of health benefits will be your fuel and college will be your destination. The vehicle to arrive at your destination will be yourself. Harness your competitive spirit and use it to your advantage. A world without a degree is a hard one. Not only will you see the advantage of having a degree for your career choice, but you will feel a sense of personal fulfillment that you would not be able to receive in any other life journey.


I am a shy and timid person. Making friends and talking to new people is not something that comes easily or naturally to me. Knowing this, the two biggest pieces of advice that I would give my high school self, if I could go back in time, involve the social aspects of college. The first thing I would tell my high school self is, "Don't room with someone you know." I was nervous about the prospect of sharing a dorm room with a stranger, but I know now that because I am shy, I used my familiar roommate as a crutch. I did not make as many friends in the dorm as I would have if my roommate was also a stranger. The second thing I would tell my high school self would be to attend more overnight camps and conferences away from home. I believe that, had I been more used to being away from home, it would have been easier to transition into living on my own, and I probably would not have gone home as many weekends. Being on campus more means I would have experienced more of the "traditional" college life.