University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wisconsin-Green Bay know before they start?


Knowing what I know now, I would remind myself that transitioning from living at home and high school to living in a residence hall is hard and more difficult for some than others, but if you do not close yourself off and put yourself out there, you will meet fantastic people and maybe even be presented with great opportunities. I would also remind myself that drinking does not solve anything, nor should you feel like you have to do it. There is NO SHAME in not drinking. Surround yourself with people who love you for who you are and who stay on campus on the weekends. It is a lot more fun and you are then free to be yourself, instead of someone you are not. Explore the many opportunites and organizations on campus. You would be surprised at who you meet and what you end up doing, but it will all make you a better person in the end! Never stop dreaming, focus on academics and finding the right career for you and you will succeed!


I would advise myself to try and stay in contact with the people who I met at orientation. I met many new people at orientation and I only stayed in contact with one and I rarely talk to her. I would also advise myself to make a schedule of some sort and to prepare myself in better time management. Including


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have told myself to make appointments to talk to both academic and financial advisors at the university. When I started college, I had no idea how I was going to afford school, let alone what I wanted to major in. Though I recieved honors my freshman year of college, I debated continuing school as I was still undecided and could no longer afford tuition. However, once I was out of school for a semester, I realized how much I missed school and how it would be a waste to work retail my entire life. Then I realized that I should stop thinking about majoring in something practical and major in something I am passionate about: art. After deciding on my major, I no longer felt as though I was wasting my time and money attending school. I talked to a financial advisor and found I was eligible to recieve financial aid. All of those tears could have been avoided had I known in high school that there are people at the university who are dedicated to helping out people like me!


As a sophomore in college, it's finally starting to hit me. Better late than never, I'm starting to realize the importance of this whole "college" thing. This is the real deal here. I don't think it was a matter of not working hard enough. I just believe that I didn't work as hard as I potentially could have when I started. I can get things done when I put my mind to it. Of course, that's always mixed with a little hard work. I'm finally starting to realize why I'm here. My plan is starting to make more sense to me, and become more clear. So if I could go back in time and tell myself one thing, I would tell myself to start things with 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} committment. If I had started my college career with the same work ethic that I posess now, I believe that my grade point average would be higher, and I would feel a lot better about the money I am spending here at UW-Green Bay. I just wish I had known that college requires a gritty work ethic. Thankfully, I'm starting to realize that now.


I would tell myself to avoid social groups which can deter my studies. Most students feel that they must be accepted socially. This is not true. It is necessary to have a social life on campus, but most of your time should be used to study and researching in the library. It is also important to communicate with your professors. If you are having any problems, you should talk to your professors before it is too late. You should also talk to your academic advisor to make sure that you are taking the correct courses which will be used towards your degree. Also, you should pay attention to your professor in class and take good notes. Finally, I would tell myself that college is very difficult. It takes time to adjust from high school. Although the workload may seem too much, if you remain focused on your studying, you will do well.


My advice would be to allow myself to be open-minded and fully experience all that college-life has to offer me. Join more clubs on campus and be active in the community. When figuring out your college budget, leave some breathing room--you never know when your car will break down or when you'll have a medical emergency. Keep in mind what you are here for, so put in the time to study and get the degree. But remember that college is also a time to make lifelong friends and memories.


Keep trying and don't give up.


Go with the flow. It's alright to take a break and let yourself unwind. Also to get involved as often as possible and to go to as many school sponsored programs as possible.


First and foremost, get ready to buckle down. College professors will likely not care how many AP classes you've taken, whether you graduated halfway through the year or how many clubs you participated in. In college, you will have to prove yourself in a whole new territory and working under much more strenuous circumstances. Second, do not be afraid to participate in campus activities. The easiest way to make friends and learn more about yourself is through programs provided by the school. Not only are many of them exciting and fun, they also develop your communication and intrapersonal skills. Lastly, always believe that you can accomplish whatever you desire. Biases of the past cannot hold you back. In college, you set your own limits; you alone decide your destiny. Take life by the horns, and don't ever look back.


In hish School I wasn?t out going and I did not like to draw attention to myself. My shyness followed me to college. I found it difficult to make friends since I did not know how to talk to them and I was afraid I would say the wrong thing and look like an idiot or weird. I also let college overwhelm me and I did not seek help. So if I could visit myself in the past I would give this advice. Don?t be afraid to voice your option and be the one to strike up a conversation with a stranger. If the course work is to hard drop a few and take it slow, but ask for help when needed. I kind of gave up during my first year and when actually tried to dig myself out of my hole it was at the end of the semester.