Although it may not seem important now, learning proper studying habits in high school is essential. In high school, you often find yourself studying the night before and acing your exam. Studying in high school often consists of simply skimming over notes. College is a different story. I remember my first college biology quiz. My heart dropped when my teacher handed me my paper back with a fat red sixty-two percent circled at the top. I quickly realized my high school study habits would no longer suffice in college. In college, it is necessary to study at least a few days in advance. Other methods such as flashcards, study groups, and outlining will be needed instead. With this being said, my advice to you is to start developing these skills now in high school. It takes time to develop the necessary studying habits that college requires. Avoid receiving that heart breaking F by improving your study skills sooner than later. Make flashcards, study with friends, and practice time management in high school, you will not regret it.
If I were able to go back in time and talk to my high school self, the main thing I would do is to assure myself not to panic. I am an undecided major and an extremely indecisive person. I always thought I needed to know what I am going to major in before I get to college and thought that up until the middle of this year. I felt uncomfortable being an undecided major because I believed I would get behind and be spending extra money while I waste time not knowing what I want to do as a career. After being in college for almost a year and hearing advice from many smart and trusting people, I know this is not the case and I feel much more confident with where I am. I would tell my high school self to not be worried about not having a major, to take time during my first year to do general education classes and also explore other courses that may interest me. In time you will find your calling and even if it takes you a little longer to do than others, it is okay and maybe even beneficial.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself about what I know now in college and about myeslf, I would say to myself to just enjoy the small moments in college. A lot of times, people don't realize they were in the good times until it's over. I would not reveal anything to myself in the past, because that's like opening up Pandora's box.
As a high school senior, I worried too much about what the future had in store. I was constantly trying to figure out what to do with my life and what I wanted my major to be. I would tell myself to relax and just go into college ready to take in as many things as possible. I have learned about so many different majors that I didn't know about before, and college has given me a new perspective on life. I wish I would have known that in high school so I didn't stress myself out as much.
I would tell myself to stop worrying about all the dimensions I planned on fitting into my life: friends, sports, clubs, and academics. I spent so much time stressing about how I would fit everything I wanted into a college schedule instead of enjoying every moment of it. College is a time to discover myself and be independent without all the extra responsibilities I will have when I graduate. So, as a high school student, I wish I would have taken more time to enjoy my last year with my family and local friends rather than having anxiety for the years to come.
Learn different ways to study and actually study. School information won't come as easy as it is in High School. Make studying a habit. Also start making lists of "Things to do." It will make it easier to know what you have to do .
Hey Natalie,
Just to let you know, college is approaching fast. So while you're still in high school I want you to try new things. I want you to go out of your comfort zone and go on run with friends at midnight, or take a class at the local art shop. Don't be afraid of what anyone thinks because it is your life. But keep working hard at your studies. Every point counts and it's the same in college. But if you put in the effort, the fun can begin. At the same time, make sure you make time for your family as well. As much as you want to get away from them, they are your biggest support team and love you to pieces. Learn to appreciate them. Don't be afraid to make new friends and say yes if people want to hang out. You'll soon learn to love college and the newfound freedoms that surround you.
If I could go back and talk to my high school self, I would tell her to cherish high school and not try to rush graduation. Looking back now, high school was much easier and a lot less stressful. I would tell myself to join as many clubs as I could, go on as many adventures as possible, and live my high school life to the fullest because compared to college there were a lot less worries about school, money, time, etc. Also, I would tell her to work her hardest at sports because once they are gone you won't ever be able to get the memories and adventures back. Transitioning from high school to college was definitely an experience however, I wouldn't change it because I feel that having to do things on your own and struggle for a little while can be very rewarding in the end.
Give it time. The freshman year will be tough. It will have its ups and its downs. Find something that you're passionate about to get involved in to help find your place.
If I were to go back to high school, I would tell myself to take more time for myself. In high school, I worked 30-35 hours a week. I never had time to go to sport games or hang out with my friends outside of school because I was too worried about making enough money to go to college. I would tell myself, you are going to poor in college and well after you graduate college. I would tell myself to put work and school away for a while and focus on having fun, going out with friends and making great lasting memories. All I remember from high school was the drama, work and school work. I pushed myself hard, which was good, but as a result had no great lasting memories or crazy nights on the town.