Focus on your studies, as how you do now will heavily affect your experience in College. Focus on your grades, and spend more time working and saving for how expensive college is. Live life freely, but work hard at it. Spend one day at a time focusing on the present, as the future can be improved or worsened by the actions of today. Life is easier in College, but requires more time and determination to do well in classes. The best advice i can give you is to always do your Laundry on time.
Dear Senior Year Me,
You’re about to start an entirely unique chapter of your life. I know you’re more nervous than you’ve ever been; try not to worry. Everyone will be going through the same transition You may think “Senior Slide” sounds pretty enticing right now; but instead, do what none of your senior peers are doing. Study hard. Ace every last test. Work hard so you can pass all three of your advanced placement class exams. Finish your senior year with flying colors and prove to yourself that you are capable of finishing strong. Give one hundred percent effort so that you are completely ready to take on that next step: college. But hey, don’t forget about the experiences that make high school special either. Attend every sporting event. Make as many memories with your high school friends as possible. Trust me, these are the moments you will miss the most! Lastly, don’t make plans to room with your best friend in college. Branch out, find a random roommate, and make the best of it, but keep your old friends close. Keep your goals in mind always!
College Me
If I was given the opportunity to revisit myself as a senior in high school I would remind myself to slow down and enjoy life. It passes by so incredibly fast. Opportunities come and go, just make sure that the decisions I am making will make me happy in the long run. Follow my heart over my head. Doing the right thing will get me farther in life. Use time efficiently as there are not enough hours in the day. Keep your head up high and stick through the hard parts. College is designed to find the weak links, and that is not me. Financially you might be broken, but just remember that you have a roof over your head, shoes on your feet, a family that is proud of you and education. Don't take anything for granted as it can change in the blink of an eye. Enjoy it!
You only have to be with this roommate for one year, keep your cool even though she really drives you bananas. Even though you don't want to, get a job on campus as soon as you can, you'll have enough time for classes and to work as well. Be open with people and don't bottle up your feelings all the time otherwise you'll drive yourself crazy. Just look at this step as the next step closer to having your dream job, you're getting that much closer everyday. Make sure to keep in touch with some high school friends, at least make an effort or they may disappear from your life but at least you can say you tried.
I would share with my future self that although college is wonderful and exciting, it is basically your job for now. And you shouldn't show up for work late or not at all, so you definitely need to go to class. Another thing to prepare my future self for is dorm life. It is convinient living on campus, but there really is no separtaion between school and home. Your home is where school is. It was strange for me to grasp that concept at first. Also, your roommates will hopefully become your great friends, so try to pick them before becuase if you don't, you might not get someone you get along with. Lastly, develop study habits early, I sucked at studying, in fact I never had to. The pace that you learn in college does not campare whatsoever to the pace you learn at college. Review everything all semester long for finals too. And don't forget to have fun and meet some of the best people. It is a great experiece; just don't waste it making stupid decisions, and you will remember it for the rest of your life.
Call your mother. As simple as this advice sounds, I really wish I had known how important it is to ask for support from your family during the difficult transition to college life.
During the first few weekends of school when I could only hang out with people I barely knew or sit alone in my room, I missed always having siblings around. When I had to pay tuition for the first time, I wished I had payed more attention to my dad's money lectures. Overall, I wished I had cherished my time with my family more while I still had them as a part of my daily life.
I am the person I have become thanks to my loving parents and seven hilarious siblings. It just took me leaving for school to actually appreciate everything they have done for me, and realize how much I missed them. No one will judge you for calling your mother. In fact, it might encourage another student to reconnect with their family. Enjoy the exciting new college life, but always remember the people who got you to this point. Whenever you're feeling a little down or lonely, call your mother.
I would tell my senior self a few different pieces of advise if I could go back and talk to her. The most important piece of advise I would give her is to take a step back and realize that life will get better. I think my senior self was going through a lot of events she felt were out of her control, but now as I look back I see she made it though with a fight heart. I would tell her to be brave and take the world head on, because the world is hers for the taking.
No matter how well or how horrible you do in high school, college is a completely different experience that can totally throw you out of proportion. Imagine being a new kid and going to a completely new school. The difference with college is that you are not alone. Look around at the rest of your high school classmates, and understand that everyone is in the same boat that you are. They all are nervous about going to a new place, too. To prepare for college, no matter how little you speak or how much you shout out random blurbs in class, learn how to create connections with all the people around you. In the future, interacting with a professor who has a list of achievements and research may seem nervewracking, but they are human and are just like you. Loosen up, ask questions both in and outside of class, and create a good impression on high school teachers to prepare for a college professor. A letter of recommendation is going to be needed to get into college, and a letter of recommendation will also be needed to get out of college. Then, you will be closer to your dream job.
Rip up the negative thoughts. Ask for help. Use your resources. Dear Duabchi, do not be afraid of change. It can be overwhelming and dreadful. I realize now that many changes will step in your way, such as worrying about financial issues. Look at these changes as a way to assess your dreams. Are you passionate enough? Do you want to see Mom working for the rest of her life? Do you want to help others, expecially the people you love and care about?
With college comes barriers. Learn to expect them. Either it be the shared showers or healing homesickness, you will, in the end, get used to change. Evolve your mind now, in order to know exactly who you are and why you are going to college. Trust me. I am you.
Hi past self. I know you are pretty nervous about moving away from home and meeting new people. You are worried that you will not make the grades you dreamed of or make it into the school you want. You think that the emphasis that your dad puts on how much money you need to earn someday will make him love you less if you do not reach it. Just know that everything works itself out. You will cram the day before tests and do poorly on them. You will give yourself away to someone you just met and find yourself feeling so alone in the world. You will be ok. Some professors will love you and some will tell you you're worthless because you are young. You will get through it. You will get some A's and you will get some C's. Don't stress about it. Do your very best and in the end, what was meant to happen for you will happen. Nothing is written in stone, so give yourself some room to breathe and grow. I love you and what you stand for, I know you can do it. I'm living proof.