University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee know before they start?


Be open to new experiences. Also, be ready to change your plans. You have to be ready to roll with the changes


Choosing the right college is a difficult challange. It involves alot of time and research. However sometimes looking through flyers and web sites isnt enough. Visit the campus in person. Be aware of any instant connections you may have with the campus. If the campus is one that you seem to connect with, make sure to re-visit it . It is important to re-visit any potential options in case you reallize it may not be the perfect fit for you. Interact with students from the school. See how they feel about the campus, student life, job placement after college, etc...take the positives and negatives said about the school into account. Narrow your search by making a list of specific wants in the school that would be best for you and go from there. Dont rush into a decision because you are worried about what your friends and family are saying. Listen to your heart, I did and I found the most incredible match for me! If you take these steps your first semester will fall into place because you will be in an atmosphere you love, learning about something that interests you with people you feel comfortable with.


Touring schools you're interested in is extremely important. The school I ended up going to, was defintely NOT on my list of choices. I ended up loving it and I don't regret my decision at all. Don't just go where your friends are going. Making friends on campus is a lot more easier than you might think. I actually think it's harder to NOT make friends. Although studying is important, having fun, and enjoying yourself is even more important. Go out and enjoy the city, meet new people, do things you can't do in your hometown, if you choose to go to a college away from home. Not everything they say in high school is true about college. Professors are normal people, go talk to them if you need help. Failing a class your first semester isn't the end of the world... and neither is not knowing your major... most people actually change their major. If you learn to balance your social life with your studying, you will defintely have what it takes to make the best of your college experience!


College is the experience of a lifetime. This is the place you meet your closest friends who are going through the same ordeals you are. This is the place you bond with others, push your limits, and realize you are a great deal stronger than you think. College is more than earning a degree. College is learning discipline, setting priorities, and preparing yourself or your child for a future in the working world. College allows you to find yourself. It helps you spread your wings and helps you find what you love most. College helps you find a place in this world. The one thing I have learned most is a great college lives up to its reputation, but I do not let it define who I am. I do.


I would go, do the tour and meet with an advisor.


The advice I would give to parents or students about finding the right college would be to look for a college that first of all offers your major, one that is in an area you will be comfortable living in, offers activities you may enjoy, and the class sizes you would prefer. To make the most of you college experience I would say that one should keep an open mind and be open to new things. Try and meet a lot of new people, try different things and attend school events to improve your college experience.


When looking for a college, seek the best in the area you are most interested. I was at first reluctant to go to the large University in Milwaukee, but it had the most to offer in Film and media production for my in state budget. I have found that being immersed in the Peck School of arts, has challenged me and opened up many new avenues for me. Go with your passion.


Follow your heart.


Chose the right one that fits you best.


Now what you are looking for in a college and reach the goal you set for yourself.