University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh? Why?


I think the worst thing I would consider about this school is the parking. There isn't enough.


There were times that I felt the most important information I needed to know for my career came too late in my schooling.


Some of the professors at my school are awful. They can be arrogant and just plain mean. Not all of them are like that by any means, but some of them are pretty bad. I've heard of last minute changes to tests, overly- strict test policies, and other bad situations. For example, I had a professor who refused to hear any opinions but the ones that he had. I once got a low grade on a paper because I disagreed with him. Professors should be encouraging students to be opinionated, not discourage the practice.


The worst thing I believe is that there are, unfortunately, many parties around campus where underage students can drink alcohol. With the pressure that students are under now to succeed and find a job straight out of college sometimes people feel the need to release their stress in this unhealthy manner. It may feel good at the time and you may like drinking, but it is not worth it. Drinking damages your health, your brain functions, and not to mention underage drinking is against the law. Release stress in a way that is safe for you and your peers.


Tutition is quite expensive, but tuition is expensive almost everywhere.


The worst thing would be the lack of diversity. I like to be around others who don't always look like or think like me. It's hard to find that here.


While much of the faculty is more than willing to help, there are some professors who seem to be more interested in breaking students than helping them; be prepared to work hard and efficiently if you wish to receive high grades in certain classes.


I have only been at UWO for one year and so far I haven't found anything that I don't like.


Oshkosh can feel a little geographically isolated: it is not really close to anywhere. Other than that, there are no real downsides to UW-Oshkosh.


Most of the food vendors outside of the memorial union close early in the day and most academic and support office close by 4:30 pm.