University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point?


During hunting season everyone goes home to hunt so there are not a lot of people there on the weekends.


If I were to shed knowledge on myself as a high school senior about college, I would stress just how different it is from high school and how important time managment is. In college, my amount of free time has nearly tripled. However, the difficulty level hasis much higher because i am expected to do the majority of learning on my own. this means that the majority of my free time must be spent in self learning and study time.


The most frustrating thing is that I HAVE to choose a meal plan while I am living on campus.


The most frustrating thing about the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point is that classes are rarely cancelled for sub-zero temperatures. The cold temperatures makes it very difficult to get the motivation to go to class and very difficult to get to class. The cold temperatures make the relatively short walk from the campus dorms to campus brutle. It is frustrating that the school will not put a limit on how cold it can be before they cancel classes. Sometimes the temperatures can reach 40 to 45 degrees below zero. That is very cold for walking students.


The most frusturating thing about my school is the lack of opportunity for financial aid. I am from a white middle class family and I'm financially independent of them but I still have problems getting financial aid because of their socieconomic status, not mine.


Financial aid and job outlook on campus for people who do not have work study


Sometimes the professors, but not usually.


Balancing social life and studies. People here are very focused with grades and since money is a big thing here, you need scholarships. Thats where giving up a little of you social life comes in. It is worth it in the long run and you will have friends for life; its just a little strenuious.


I wasn't challeneged enough.


Even though it is a natural resources campus and 'paperless' there is a lot of paper waste.