I would tell myself that however much high school may suck, and I may feel like I don't fit in or have any friends, that I will make several friends in college, that I will fit right in and that I would be more happy than I am in high school. I would let myself know that I need to enjoy my senior year and not worry about what the other kids in my school think of me. I would say to myself that I am making the right decision by coming to Wyoming, that the campus and state in general fit my personality, and that I will finally fit in with everyone up there. I would finally let myself know that all the work I am putting into school will pay off and will be worth it in college, that I will have an easier time in school because of how hard the high school I was attending is.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would say, "Kayt you need to finish high school strong! No getting senioritis! When you move into the dorms try to live on the honors floor, and definitely go out for sorority recruitment, you meet so many amazing people through it! No matter what people say about parking, definitely get a car. It is essential to getting to work and making money so you can continue going to school. Speaking of staying in school, go to EVERY class and start studying at least one week before a test!!! You NEED good grades to keep your scholarships. I know it sounds like I'm being your mom, but go to bed at a decent hour, and do NOT take an eight o'clock in the morning class because we both know that we don't wake up early very well. Get involved! Start a water polo team, join some clubs, and meet as many people as you can! This is an amazing experience, take full advantage of it! See you in a couple of years kid. Behave and have fun!"
College is the one time in your life where you can branch out, meet new people, and get involved with new activities. With an open mind and a willingness to try new things, the opportunities are endless. It?s more than okay not to know exactly what you like or what you want to do, as long as you continue to try new things. At first, college can be a hard adjustment. You are suddenly given complete freedom to be independent and entirely responsible for yourself. This new freedom can be intimidating; but by taking one step at a time, staying organized, and paying attention everything will be easier to handle. It can also be difficult trying to meet new people and make friends. However, the more groups you are involved in the more people you will meet with your same interests. College can be a very fun learning and social experience, as long as you continue to go to class, get involved, and keep learning!
I would tell myself as a senior not to take it so easy. Take the harder classes so that when I have to take them at a college level they will not be so difficult. Also I would strongly sdvise to develop life long study habbits and time management. The first semester of college is difficut because I have to develop these habbits and also lean many new things that a lot of other students learned in high school. High school can be fun but please better prepare yourself for college as it is not the time you can slack off and expect to still easily pass.
College is going to be tough, but it will be managable. Coming from the high school that you came from, you'll be fine. Just stay focused and be true to who you are, in the end you'll have friends and a degree you can work with.
Students: I would say that the best thing that you can do for yourself is to get out into your community and also to make the best of your situation. I wasn't very happy with my first year of college, and I knew that I had chosen the wrong school. Because of this, I was depressed and I hated my first year. Optimism is the key in the first year of college, it is a tough time for both students and parents. About finding the right school, you generally know once you set foot on the campus. I loved a lot of the schools that I visited, but I knew when I had finally found the right one.
Parents: Encourage your students to have a fun time. This is a time in their life when they are finding themselves. They need to know that you are encourageing their maturation. Having my parents back my decisions in college really helped me to adjust to my new life.
I would suggest plan on not getting all the scholarships you apply for. College is a good time to work. When one goes to college for the first time there is more free time than one is used to, I have found that working helps fill the hole. College is a time to break free from your parents and experience things for yourself however there is a limit.
Visit every school in consideration and talk to as many current students and faculty members as possible before making a decision. Then once at the college of your choosing, look into any available extra-curriculars you could possibly be interested in. Attend each club or group in consideration at least once before deciding on no less than one and no more than 5 to participate in during your first year of attendance. This will help you meet new people and create a group of friends with common interests - which will come in handy later in life, after graduation, it's smart social networking.
The general atmosphere around the university is very important in how much you will enjoy the experience as well as how much you will learn from it. When you go to visit the campus don't concentrate on how nice it looks, but pay attention to the people around you that go there. They will have a much greater impact on your experience than the landscaping! As far as making the most of the experience, just take advantages of all the opportunities available. All universities offer social programs to help you meet people with similar interests when you are a freshman, but when you are a senior this activities and clubs are what will be especially helpful in finding jobs and opportunities after school.
Call the colleges that you're interested in and talk to the people. If financial aid is really important call and ask about it. If they are nice and helpful the other aspects of the school will mostly be that way. Going to the Discovery Days is a good idea, it lets you see the campus, helps you meet people, and they usually have people willing to answer your questions, if they can't then they usually know someone who can. Going to class every time is a very good idea if you want to get the most out of what you?re paying for. If you want to get the most out of college find places that are what you?re interested in and meet people.