University of Wyoming Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wyoming know before they start?


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to enjoy high school but remember to look at the future. It is important to explore avenues while still in high school such as concurrent classes offered in high school. Completing as many concurrent classes and earning as many college credits in high school is that much more helpful. I would also suggest to myself to attend a community college for the first couple of years. It seems to be a good way to save a little money by taking classes at a community college versis the Universities.


Aspen, There is a lot more to college than just focusing on grades. Financials are going to be much tougher to deal with than you originally thought. Get a job right away rather than waiting for a semester. Not only will the job help you get ahead in tuition but it will also help you make friends. Continuing on with making friends you need to be more social and get involved. Most people here need study budies as well and even studying with people will help you make friends. They are definitly important and they will help you relax and take a break from all of these continuing stresses from growing up. That is what I will say is most important. Use your friends to relax. Everyone needs a break every once in a while and it will help you from breaking down. Your first year of college will set you up for a wonderful future take time to enjoy it.


I would go back and tell myself that life doesn't necessarily make more sense or work out more perfectly just because the next chapter of your life has finally started. But that doesn't mean I did anything wrong. Just as you have already told yourself and your best friend a couple times, things will always work out, eventually. We just have to work hard for what we want. Things don't always just get handed to you, you have to strive for them and make them work. I would tell myself to continue to remember that if something is worth fighting for, then I need to and will fight for it, so keep on fighting.


Going to college is a big step and an exciting adventure. Here is some advice to make the most of your time. As a student, there are tons of free resources available to you that you should take advantage of like resume help, financial counseling, gym access and the list goes on. Another thing that will help you out a ton is to be purposeful about the classes you choose to fulfill your degree requirements. Meeting regularly with your advisor, at least once every term is key to finishing as soon as possible, which in turn protects your bank account. Getting free money for school will save you from a lot of stress. Spend several hours a week looking for and applying for scholarships. Another thing I would recommend is get involved with the community either through intramural sports or through volunteering. It will help in getting scholarships and will look good to future employers. School is important but if you don’t have a social life then you aren’t experiencing college to the fullest. You are young and your life is just beginning so don’t forget to enjoy yourself and have fun.


I would tell myself to work hard. I would tell myself that everyone there is just as nervous about the class as you are. You aren't the only one who is nervous about their future, about the school, about the classes, about failure. I would let myself know that working with people isn't hard, because everyone wants the same outcome and everyone is working towards the same thing. I would let myself know that most people are very open minded and not to be scared. I would let myself know that instructors are there to help me and not to intimidate me. I would let myself know that I had to work hard for my goals, and not be misguided by claims of hard classes. I would tell myself that nothing was hard unless I didn't give my best effort. I would let myself know that I needed to get 8 hours of sleep, otherwise the stress would get away from me. I would tell myself to always eat breakfast, otherwise I would be sad all day. These are the things I would tell myself before I started college knowing what I know now.


I went to college as a non-trad student. I would advise peers to find the non-trad student center and utilize them. World of knowledge is available with that group of people who understand your struggles and can help with them-anything from study groups to sharing child care to grown up activities. The support group is the key to succeeding in this young person's world.


Take risks, break out of your shell, embrace who you are and chase who you want to be.


If I could go back and tell my High School Senior-self advice, I would start with “fill out as many scholarships as possible because you are going to need every little bit of assistance.” I would tell myself to save every penny I was making at my high school job, “because college is more expensive than you could possibly imagine”. I would make myself contact the new Wyoming volleyball coach and try to play, even if it meant walking on. I would emphasize that “you will miss volleyball more than anything, and that you will regret never knowing if you were capable of Division One athletics”. I would encourage myself to “keep up the good work in classes, but go in for extra help in math so that you can get an 'A' in there”. Finally, I would advise myself to study harder for the A.P. U.S. History test and to get just one point higher to get those college credits. While it would be wonderful to return to the past and help myself make wiser decisions, I’ve learned and grown from my actions, and I am still pleased with where I am today.


In my college experience, I feel as though I have learned exponentially from the mistakes I have made. I would tell myself to be constantly involved in the classroom environment to better enhance the memories I reach back to for use in the future. I would takes notes as I percieve the information rather than copying the professors writings verbatim. This way I can comprehend the information given in my own creative way. I would use resources given at my college at every oppurtunity provided, as they are only there to help me. I would forge relationships with my professors and classmates to broaden my horizons. I would tell myself to take my time with my studies a little each day, opposed to devising a plan to cram the information quickly the night before. My college experience has taught me to take chances and assert myself using my inner willpower. I would tell myself to don't be afraid to share my opinion, and ask questions, as this is the only way to learn the knowledge I have not yet acquired. I would follow my passion in terms of my career.


I would advise myself to do better in the class room then focus on sports. Coaches for soccer and wrestling in the college level would of been more impressed with my grades instead of just my athletic ability. Could of possibly get a full ride somewhere with them knowing I am not going to be a waste of time because i couldn't keep up with my school work. Or even apply for more scholarships when i had the time. Also instead of taking another class to get my advanced dipolma other than having off campus.