Ursinus College Top Questions

Describe how Ursinus College looks to someone who's never seen it.


J.D. Salinger once said it was a depressing campus; I tend to agree.


Ursinus community embraces its students and faculty for their individualism, and promotes self-exploration and self-discovery through-out the course work and liberal arts education here.


Ursinus College is a small liberal arts school where students are encouraged to engage in thoughful academic discussions with their peers and professors, and at the same time to find themselves and the meaning of life by involving themselves in social and extracurricular groups.


Tight knit, you know everyone's face, including faculty.


Ursinus College is a small liberal arts school that opens its arms to new students, new ideas, and to great education.


Ursinus thinks very highly of itself, and many, but not all, of the students agree.


Ursinus is a fantastic school for anyone who is genuinely interested in working hard and seeing it pay off.


A small liberal arts school with strong aspirations to be like Washington & Lee or William & Hobart Smith but without the alumni or funds to make it happen.


An open environment for an excellent education.


Ursinus is an awesome place to be.