Ursinus College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Ursinus College?


Ursinus is not for everyone, people who enjoy large class sizes and urban or party environments. The campus is small so you get to know everyone very easily.


You should not attend Ursinus College if you are not willing to open your mind to new experiences and people. Lazy people should not even think about this school.


People who like to party a lot, people who like the city life and pepole who get bored easily. The school is very small and is in a small town.


Some one who is looking for a conservative type of schooling. UC makes all majors take a diverse range of classes, so students who only want to take classes for their major and nothing else should look elsewhere.


Someone who enjoys partying or needs to socialize all the time wouldn't belong especially because students uncommitted to being a fulltime, dedicated student will inevitably fail or get poor grades - charisma & extra credit won't work here. People who'd rather experience a setting completely different from highschool should attend a larger university. Here, most people know each other, become friends, take class, or work together.. classrooms are usually 15-30 students, the largest lectures are probably for psych100 (~70 students). You interact & have easy access to professors, it's awesome and GREAT help. Good quality teachers (biology & chemistry).


Anyone who is conservative, or wants a good education


One that does not like to drink and be extremely social. You must be willing to write long papers and challenge yourself beyond your limits.


A person that is not extermely self motivated should not come to Ursinus. The workload is very challenging, compared to other schools, and students must be willing to work and study a lot.


Someone who's not willing to step out of their box to meet people and have fun. Someone who's not willing to put in a lot of work and effort academically. Someone who's not ready to take charge of their own life and make good decisions.


A person who is not completely deciated to education should not attend Ursinus. Also someone who is not interested in becoming involved on campus. Ursinus College is a small campus, so if you are looking for a large student population Ursinus is not for you.