Ursinus College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I believe the best thing about this school is the CIE course offered and required to all freshmen students. It really introduces them to the liberal thinking the school would like their students to do, and they really want their students to be well informed of things happening outside the safety bubble of their lives. A lot of outside knowledge and material is presented and students are encouraged to step outside of their comfort zones to really think the way others have. It's a new experience, and great opener to the rest of the 4 years of college.


The best thing about Ursinus College is the atmosphere on campus. The students are really welcoming and make one feel like an equal. The professors are always willing to work with students whenever they need help. Also, there are countless clubs and sports to get involved in to make the college experience a fun and easy transition.


The best thing about my school are the students that go there! I have met so many friends. It doesn't matter if you are in a sport or not, all students hang out together.


Great teachers, great class size, small campus, great faculty.


The best thing was the feeling I had with everyone--even if i didn't like them personally. We all felt like a family--the one's I didn't like were just the annoying "red-headed stepchild"


I feel that the best aspect of my school is the strong academic orientation of the school. I like how I am able to have an active social life while still keeping my grades up and the pressure to join Greek life doesnot conflict with my studies and my ability to make friends. Ursinus is a supportive academically, socially, and emotionally. These were all of the characteristics which I pursued in a school when applying to colleges.


The small, family-like community that we had on campus. I loved that everyone knew eachother and got along, including the professors. Everyone was just very helpful and friendly to one another and i loved that!


Ursinus challenged me to think "outside of the box" and to accept or consider other people's opinions and views on a variety of topics such as religion, academics, and politics, among other things.


Quality of professors and small class sizes.


Community. Its a small school, and its easy to sort out who are your real friends and who aren't relatively quickly. It's not competative, adn its easy to ask others for help.