If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself so much about life! I would tell myself to trust my gut instincts and follow those. I would tell myself to dump the boyfriend and stick to the original plan! I would tell myself to listen to my mother! I would tell myself to love myself no matter what other people thought of me! I would tell myself to take a step back and look at the bigger picture! I would tell myself to save money! I would tell myself not to try to live big. Stick to your roots and live small, because there are way more important things in life! I would tell myself to make myself my priority and stop focusing on other peoples' needs! Mostly, I would tell myself that patience is an important idea to remember when considering what you really want from life! Everything that I have been through so far in life has been a valuable learning experience which has determined who I am today. I would not be the person I am if I did not learn from the roads I have already traveled!
If i could got back in time as a high school senior the advice to myself would be to learn as much I can, and stay focus on class studies. Start the Finanical application process early as possibe and speak with a counselor about various colleges that interest you. Make sure you have decided on a major and stick with your descison and plan on visiting, several colleges to get the feel of college life. Stay over the weekend if necessary and ask question if you not sure about something. The most important information I can give to myself is not to stress out about the little things and not over whelm yourself with to many classes.
Use the campus resourses, the doors are always open to new students as well as old students, and get involved in campus activties around the campus and get to know your professors who can help you, if you are having problems with your studies in class. Try not to get behind in any of your classes, because once you get behind it hard to catch up so, stay focus on all your classes and you can make it through college and graduate!
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school I would tell myself two things. The first thing is that I should've been more involved throughout high school. I was only involved in two organizations and it had scattered events all throughout the year. It was never a consistent every week thing and I probably would've been more social. The second thing is that I should've challenged myself more with classes. I took the easy way out and took classes I knew were a joke so my GPA would look good and I regret it.
I have learned so much in my first semester of school. The teachers use many different techniques of teaching so that people who learn differently all succeed.
My name is Crystal Harris and I am currently a junior at Ursuline College. I have chosen to major in social work with a concentration in Family Therapy Counseling and Chemical Dependency Counseling. I believe that my experiences as a recovering addict will help me professionally in dealing with clients who are trying to overcome their personal addictions and mental problems.I am currently active in a Twelve Step Program and have been abstinent from mind-and mood- altering substances for nine years. I feel ,as a single parent with three school-age children and no steady income, a scholarship will not only help me financially, but will also enable me to move forward to accomplish my dream of becoming a social worker. IComing into adulthood, I had no coping skills, so my life continued to progress in a downward spiral. I became addicted to drugs and was involved in other criminal activities. I am a responsible, productive member of society who values education, helping the community and being an example to many who have walked the same lifestyle that I have experienced. It has been a blessing to lesrn new things and to show my childre educatioin is good.
The education here is top of the line. The teachers are great and I feel completley confident in my skills.
My college experience reemphasized and polished my personal and professional values and beliefs. It certainly made me more confident in life and work by underlining the basic principles of being a valuable and active member of the society. Professors at my school could not be better models of professionalism and good values. I feel that time spent at Ursuline college is invaluable and I will remember it for the rest of my life.
I have gotten bonds with great friends and learning experiences that I would never get anywhere else.
I have greatly enjoyed my expereince at Ursuline College. The small class sizes and personalized attention have helped me excel at this school. I have gained so much from the knowledge of my professors who are all very knowledgeable in their prospective fields. I feel very optimistic about my future once I graduate in Spring.
Attending Ursuline College has helped me grow as a person. I found friends that are just like I am and am not afraid to be myself. Once a child that was picked on constantly for being different, I now fit in perfectly with the crowd at Ursuline, because we are all the unique type. Finding friends like this helped me become much more confident in myself and therefore an overall more happy individual. Many classes have opened my eyes to issues around me and I have become a more accepting person to many different things. I also realize how much the world needs helped and have taken small steps myself to try and solve the worlds problems. Being a member of a team makes me feel closer to my college and by being a member of the organization Allies, helps me help people who are discriminated against every day across the globe in the worse way. I love Ursuline College and am glad I chose to attend there. I am sure there are many students out there who hate the college they attend and I encourage them to get out there and get involved to make their experience exceptional.