Utah State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Utah State University.


They are friendly, smart students who love to participate in class discussions.


My classmates so far are great; everyone is self-motivated and respectful. I have found the students in my classes are eager to help one another succeed. No one should ever feel like they have no help and no one to turn too. Utah State provides ways for students to get the help they need from other students which also provides a way for people to make friends, form study groups and get help on homework. I feel very comfortable giving my opinion and participating in class discussions.


My classmates are prepared, organized, and ready to have fun with our professors as well as socializing outside of class and enjoy the beautiful scenery that Logan has to offer.


My classmates, in general, seem to be enthusiastically motivated and academically goal conscious.


My classmates at Utah State are very helpful and friendly.


Fun and engaged students keep the atmosphere interesting and questions applicable and interactive. People are friendly and very helpful while being open minded.


Engaged in class, they ask a lot of questions.


The students at USU are extremely friendly and open. All my classmates are so willing to help in any way they can. While I am surrounded by students at USU I can't help but want to serve and be a better person. I find it very easy to make new friends with my classmates.


great people


My classmates are dedicated to their schoolwork and enjoy being a part of Utah State University.