The aspect of Utah State I like the least is it's lack of diversity. An overwhelming majority of students share the same race, religion, and political opinions. Not every single person fall into this majority, but the predominance of this one group seems to lead to less open-mindedness and free thinking, something I consider should be an important part of any college.
The worst thing about USU is the cost of tuition for non-residents, which is about three times the amount for residents. As a non-resident, I found it quite difficult to find financial aid to cover the cost for my first semester.
The worst thing about my school is walking from building to building during Spring semester because it is bone-chilling cold outside. However, with many layers of clothing, it is duable. Other than that, there really is no "worst thing" about my school.
I would have to say the winter season, it gets very cold especially in janurary and feburary. Its so pretty but because we are at the mouth of the canyon it can get very cold especially sense we have to walk from building to is also kindof difficult getting all of your studdying done, because their is so much going on, on campus. their is something going on every night.
Because the students and faculty are mostly LDS (Mormon) the Mormon church representatives never can take no for an answer that everyone has their own beliefs. That is the only thing i would consider negative because the Constitution's 1st Amendment states that we the people have rights of free speech, freedom of press and most importantly freedom of religion...but they continue to push thier religion onto others.
I hate walking to class in the cold. That is pretty much it. I love school. I love to learn. It's a lot of work but I feel a sense of accomplishment and I love that.
There is a vast majority of mormons, so that can make it hard if you are not affiliated with that religion. It can be hard to find friends who like to party, but don't rule out anyone to be your friend, game nights can be every bit as fun as dance parties. Also it is very cold, so make sure that you are prepared and have plenty of blankets.
it's football team. Because they always lose.
There are two things bad about this school,winter is definitely the worst thing In Logan, If you don't like the cold weather neither lots of snow then this is definitely not the right place for you. The cold here can be miserable especially if you are coming from a warm place like i did, and have an early class. The second worst thing for me is having to pay out of state tuition and not being able to take as many classes as I would like to. That would change inext year once I become a resident.
Utah State University is a great school. One of the personal struggles I have found on campus is the opportunity to take certain classes. In my program I work in the local elementary schools Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday which makes it nearly impossible to take any classes out of my major area of study. I would like to see more opportunity to take classes that simply interest you and aren't required.