Utah State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Utah State University?


There isn't any thing frustrating about my school. I enjoy everything my college has to offer, from transportation to class size to proffessors, everything is great.


The things I've been most frustrated with is the size of lower level classes and how the career fairs seem to focus mostly on financial careers and engineering careers. That is mostly just my problem though because I want to work in sports business. Also, I hate how sometimes USU is considered a little brother school to BYU and U of Utah with so many of their fans coming to school here.


Honestly, that is adifficult question to answer. I think that my biggest frustration is that certain colleges within the school recieve a lot more donations, attention, and funding that others. It is understandable that they are very deserving of those honors, but the smaller colleges seem to be left in the dust. It would be nice if there was better support in areas that are not already sufficiently funded.


The school is dominately LDS and many of the female students go there to study Family and Human Development until they can get married. All of the activities are focused on making this larger population happy and catering to their needs.


How cold it is in the winter, especially during the inversions that we sometimes suffer in Cache Valley. We learn to dress warm!


The dominant religious beliefs that are pretty close-minded to different religious views.


The most frustrating thing about Utah State University is the shortage of religious diversity on campus. Utah State University does have a number of different religious clubs (as well as an Agnostic club) but the only religion that has a center on campus is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I hope that in the future other religions (or non-religions) will have a center on campus. My advice to prospective students would be to find a church/club that you are interested in and become invovled there even if it is not on held on campus.


The most frustrating part of this school is having to deal with the adminstration when you are part of a club. Because they are a non-private school they have to account for every dollar that is spent so ordering things for clubs is a hassle. There is so much paperwork to go through. Also, the type of club determines how much support you get from the school. If they don't really like what you do, or feel that it is of much worth, then you have an even harder time getting things done the right way.


There is a very high mormon population going to school and if you are not part of the religion, then you are an outsider to most of that group and they usually do their own thing.