Vanderbilt University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Vanderbilt University!


Vanderbilt students Party hard and Work hard. Sports are a big 10 school, academics are an ivy school.


Great academic school, but in the SEC!


Obviously, these comments are based on the opinion of someone who was not prepared for what Vandy really was like. Even with the comments I have made, I do not regret coming to Vanderbilt. I have met genuine people, and I enjoy making fun of the others. I really enjoy my learning environment, and we all have plenty of time to get our work done so that we can socialize. It's not all bad, but these are some truths you must know before applying. It's harsh, but it's reality.


I only answered the top question, but it took so much out of me that I just didn't have what it took to fill-in the rest of them. But it should be noted that I did all of this during work and that people should know the truth about life after college, it's 87& Bullshit.... do the math.


I hate that Vanderbilt is changing to try to be like the Yankee ivy league schools. I hate that we don't have a business school. I hate that being from Texas I feel out of place here because I like country music, the South, and Republican politics (especially considering this is Music City). I love day drinking, knowing I can leverage Vanderbilt's name in a job interview, interacting with the social, economic, and political elite from around the country, and how well manicured the foliage is on campus.


Vanderbilt is the place to go if you are driven and academically focused, but you don't want to burn out in an ivy league school. Who needs Harvard when you can go to the Harvard of the South?


I love Vandy


Vanderbilt's too freakin' expensive. But look at all you get - take advantage of everything Vanderbilt has to offer. When else in your life are you going to be able to go work out at a clean, well-equipped gym any day of the week without paying an arm or a leg for it? (well, you just did, but at least get your money's worth!) When else are you going to have the opportunity to see poets, politicians, or social activists speak for free? Vanderbilt puts a lot of effort into making campus life vibrant and interesting from year to year. Even if you dont know if you'll like them, on-campus events are worth checking out. Enter competitions, write for the newspaper, join a club. THere are endless possibilities to explore. If there's one thing I'd advise to any college student, it's to study abroad - for a year or a semester, it will change your life. Experience a different culture and/or language. Meet new really cool people. Change your perspective. Whatever you end up doing for a career, challenging yourself and leaving your comfort zone for a bit can only make you stronger. And dont make the mistake of thinking you can only go in one direction with your studies (ie take only those classes that will look good when you apply to grad school). Sometimes going off the beaten track leads to discovering interests you never knew you had. There are many, many ways of getting to the same location. Go exploring.


I love it here. LOVES it.


You either LOVE Vanderbilt or you HATE it, and it can switch from day to day.