The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Vanderbilt University is 10%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Flexibility and perseverance are the essential ingredients to success and happiness and college. Explore all of your opportunities, and be open to pursuing new interests- socially, athletically, philanthropically, and most importantly, academically. College will allow you to expand your horizons in ways you have never conceived, so it is imperative to always keep an open mind, because you may find a new career path that will make you happier than anything you have ever done before. Always go to class- whether they take attendance or not, it is guaranteed that whatever you miss in class will be essential information, because this is college- the professors don't feed you unnecessary information. Don't let failure discourage you, but learn from it and continue trying- never give up. Most importantly, know that while you owe it to your family to succeed, this is your time to accomplish great things that you can be proud of, and do it for yourself. College goes by far too quickly, so get involved early, roll with the punches, be persistant, and do things to surprise yourself, because they will better you. Oh, and get as much sleep as possible.
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Describe the students at your school.
Brilliant and inspiring individuals, who had no qualms in helping others even if we were competing against each other.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
The best thing about Vanderbilt is the combination of renowned academics and social atmosphere. It is true that the students here work really hard but it is still possible for us to have a true "college experience" outside of the classroom or the library.
I love the size of the school- just large enough to have plenty of chances to meet new and interesting people while it is not unusual to walk to class and see a sea of friendly faces smiling back at you.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Classes are generally small and every teacher will know your name if you remain active in class. Teachers and teaching assistants are always willing to give you extra help if needed. Classes are challenging, but teachers are always do anything they can to help you succeed.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
I would certainly say that there is some truth behind these stereotypes and I would assume that the incoming Freshmen are aware of these things and choose (for the most part) to adhere to them.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Vanderbilt in general is an all around quality school. From Monday morning math tests to Friday night Frat parties, Vanderbilt seems to have a lot going on; at least that is what I encountered during my four lovely years there. The stereotypes people hear about Vanderbilt are usually heard before one arrives on campus as a Freshman or from outsiders you meet along the way. And like most stereotypes some have stretched the truth a little. A few stereotypes that I will touch on are: A) Super Hot Girls, B) Dressing Up for Football Games, C) Wild Crazy Party Scene... Let me begin. Everyone you come across and drop the Vandy name too will many a time reply "Oh cool, lot of hot girls down there huh?" and too which you reply "Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about." But in the back of your mind you are really thinking "Yeah there are some real hot blonds, buttttt there are many more average looking girls than the American Public doesn't know about, making them the American Public." This isn't a very important point, but something that should aired while the opportunity shows itself. NEXT! It's fall time and time for football. Always a good part of the year for any young co-ed; who doesn't drinking to extreme and pondering the idea of a football in their mind while shotgunning another beer? I did/do! Home games are always a blast at Vanderbilt, people are just generally happier. But with this happiness comes another STEREOTYPE, dressing up for football games. Granted I did it myself a few times, but after a while it became old and seemed a bit silly. There is a lot of "tradition" in the idea and I assume many people think it makes them classy, but in my opinion slugging down PBR and the cheapest Whiskey you can buy ar FrugalMacdougals DOES NOT classify as classy. Although. i say if it makes you happy and you have a better Saturday for it, then go right ahead brother and rock that Vineyard Vines and Country Club Vodka! Wow, I've already wrote too much, so on the third note a.k.a C), the party scene is fun, but the administration is cracking down so FUCK THEM. Make the kids sign waivers or something, just let us party harty, it's COLLEGE!
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
I think that some of the most popular organizations on campus are the Greek groups. The Greek life on this campus is very evident in the philanthropies, rows of houses, and t-shirts that can been seen all over campus. Athletic events are very popular and even though are teams have their "trying moments", the students are still very supportive and ready to cheer on the football and basketball teams. On weekend nights, there are usually a lot of student shows on campus ranging from Juggleville performing arts shows to choir concerts and plays. I've been to many productions throughout my time here and have yet to be disappointed with a show.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Vanderbilt is unique because not only is it a top-20 insitutition, but we have the school spirit and elite sports programs that are common at large state schools. We definitely have a "work hard, play hard" mentality, and I think we really are some of the happiest students! Our campus is also very health-conscious; you'll see many students that go to the gym frequently and eat healthy, and we are also uniquely passionate about our beliefs and career goals. Vanderbilt is a wonderful place to be!
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Vanderbilt is a very academically strong school but has a very large Greek social scene as well.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
We've been stigmatized as rich and preppy but I've gotten to know a diverse array of students here who are extremely intelligent and friendly. Appearances can be deceiving.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
Stereotypes. Unfortunately, students at Vanderbilt tend to stereotype other students, based on their clothes usually. This is very present on campus, but is not always a negative thing. If you are a confident person, it is easy to overlook what people expect of you based on your appearance. I do not fit the typical "Vandy-girl" stereotype, but that does not bother me, and it has not really affected me as a person.
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What's unique about your campus?
One of Vanderbilt's greatest strengths is its student body and the fact that the administrators recognize this. When the University makes key decisions, it really looks for student input, which is so important. Four young alumnis elected by the student body serve on the Board of Trust to provide a student perspective about key university decisions. Another example was the way that the university consulted students when constructing the five new Houses for the First-Year Commons. A committee was established to make recommendations. Similarly, the student government has a great working relationship with many campus administrators.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
You should attend this school if you like to have a balance between acadmics and social life. The attitude at Vanderbilt is "work hard, play hard". Students take their class work very seriously, but also want to have fun. The campus is friendly and people work together in classes by sharing study guides and studying together. In addition to acadmics there is always something fun to do on campus. There are fraternity parties, tailgates, football games, basketball games, philantropy events, and restaurants nearby. You should attend if you are serious about , but also want to have a fun college experience.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
For people who are strongly opposed to drugs of all forms, it's hard to find friends who don't drink or do drugs at all. At the same time, I've learned to be more tolerant and accepting of different viewpoints, but as someone is drug-free and appreciates their quiet time, the party culture can be a bit much for me at times.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish I had known what the social life and religious life was like on campus.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
You should not attend if you are cut throat and competitive about academics. There is a community feeling to Vanderbilt and people believe more in sharing then competition. You should not attend if you are extremely liberal or want a small campus/student body.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
Vanderbilt is truly diverse in ethnicities, backgrounds, and student interests. After transferring here from Santa Monica College in Los Angeles, I greatly appreciate the wide array of opportunities we as Vanderbilt students are given to get involved in the community and further our academic interests.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
Vanderbilt prides itself on being a diverse University and for the most part, it is just that. There are a wide array of students from all over the country. You are emersed in the classroom with other students that provide many different culture outlooks different than your own. It not only helps broaded your scope of cultures, but also allows you to have very educated classrooms discussions with such different backgrounds across the board.
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Describe a day on campus you'll never forget.
Gotta go with a sports answer here. My freshman year, #2 Kentucky came to Memorial. It was the year they had John Wall and DeMarcus Cousins. My friends and I took shifts waiting on line for the game. I had first shift in the morning and when I came back when they were set to open the doors, the line was down the block. I've never seen anything like it since then. When we finally got our seats, the whole stadium was packed. You couldn't even move. It is easily the most ELECTRIC sports atmosphere I have ever been a part of.
Unfortunately, we lost the game by two points after missing what would have been the tying buzzer beater. Nevertheless, it is a day and a game I will never forget.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
I was transferring schools and a friend recommended I look towards Vanderbilt. I got accepted, and it just seemed like a good fit. It's much more random of a choice for me than for most people. I never even visited!
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