Vanderbilt University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Vanderbilt University?


Mrs. Degree Everyone is really good looking Getting dressed up for football games Very preppy


Rich preppy guys and Hot blondes


We are all stuck up rich kids. We blow a lot of coke. Everyone is blond and preppy. People are book smart but lack common sense.


The biggest stereotype is probably rich, white, southern students.


Vanderbilt students are stereotyped as "work hard, party harder" and attempting to become a New Ivy. Within the school, students are futher stereotyped based on undergraduate school, Greek affiliation, dorm, etc. Students within Peabody are viewed as having a much easier coarseload than the rest of the student body. There are oftentimes negative stereotypes associated with members of Greek life, especially with the stereotypically most "popular" stereotypes such as being superficial, blonde, and relatively bitchy. The general Vandy student is viewed as being well dressed, outgoing, and conservative.