Vanderbilt University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Vanderbilt University?

Is Vanderbilt University a good school?

What is Vanderbilt University known for?


Vanderbilt is just right. I love that there are enough people so that you dont see someone you know everywhere you go but you do know @ least one person in every class. People think Vandy is really hard. I spend most of my time split between the engineering building, my dorm, and the frats :-). Nashville is a college town somewhat. The administration does not really care about the students as much as their reputation and the immense money they are making off of us. Biggest controversy is greek life because the school is constantly bashing on something that adds to the life. Most frequent student complaints: way too much work. come on, we are only young once!


Vandy is a big school with a tight-knit community. You run into people you know every day, it's easy to have lunch, dinner, or coffee with anybody on campus. There is truly an intellectual network running all over; whether it's on the famous Wall, on Alumni Lawn, or at Starbucks, people are always talking about new things they've learned and exciting prospects for the weekend. Not only is Nashville an incredibly lively city full of fun bars and country clubs, but Vanderbilt's campus is a social hub on weekends with parties, club-sponsored events, concerts, speakers, movies, etc. Vanderbilt is truly the elite in Tennessee. People are always awed and very proud of the students that attend Vandy; we are the pride of the South! Anywhere else, the name is always linked with refinement and top-quality academics. Even the name sounds elite... The most beautiful times at Vanderbilt are the transitional seasons, autumn to winter, spring to summer. In the fall, the gorgeous multi-colored leaves give this arboretum a cool and delicious makeover, while in the spring, flowers bloom from every inch of campus. Walking to class is always a pleasure, no matter what time of day. This is a truly beautiful campus, a perfect blend of older architecture and newer facilities on a timeless piece of land in the most exciting city in the South.


I love Vanderbilt and I am so proud to be a Vanderbilt student. I think its the perfect size and I love living in Nashville. One thing I would have liked to be different is the freshmen housing situation--but the administration has taken care of that problem with the Commons center opening next year. Another thing is the dining on campus; but that's a pretty minor issue I think. The only school wide controversy I can think of concerns our newspaper editor being fired, but I'm not really sure why. There's definitely a lot of school pride, especially with March Madness approaching; basketball games are some of the most fun and spirited events on campus. At our last home game, the doors had to be closed nearly 2 hours before the game started because the stadium filled up so quickly. I'll always remember the day I pledged Tri Delt! It sounds so cheesy, but it has really made my college experience all the better and I am so happy that I decided to take part in greek life.


The best thing about Vanderbilt: is Greek life. Name one thing you'd change: In high school, we would always hate the month of March because there were no days off. There were no three day weekends or breaks. At Vandy, every month is March. I wish we at least got off for Martin Luther King day. Is your school too large, too small, or just right? It was weird to me at first going from a small high school to college, and not being able to recogninze everyone. However, I love meeting new people and that there are always new people to meet. I have a diverse group of friends that I don't think I would have if Vandy was any smaller. How do people react when you tell them you go to Vanderbilt: My friends from home really stayed in the New York area (I'm from Long Island) and when we would all tell people where we were going adults were really impressed that I was going to Vandy, especially in comparison to them. My friends from home still associate Vandy with the stereotypes that I listed and make fun of me for going here but adults seem impressed by it, and my grandpa is really proud! Where do you spend most of your time on campus: In academic terms I spend the most time in the library, but I spend a lot of time going from Brandscomb to Barnard. College town, or what college town: What college town? I hate having to cross that intense street only to walk even furthur to get to anything. I hate that we have to take a cab to get to the mall or the movies. I wouldn't even call the surrounding area a town. It's more like a random assortment of stores and establishments built up around the campus. What is your opinon of Vanderbilt's administration: Not great, I feel like the rising sophmores are being ignored for this whole freshman commons idea. What was the biggest recent controversy on campus: Juicy Campus?? Is their a lot of school pride: I would say there is. Our football team isn't the best, yet everyone goes to the games and I always see people decked out in Vandy attire. Is their anything unusual about Vanderbilt: The Vandy Bubble What's one experience you'll always remember: I just think freshman year in general, just meeting the people that have become my family and the ability to go out and drink and not come back till 4am. Just the whole freedom of being at college. What are the most frequent student complaints: The food (Rand), how Vandy doesn't seem to care about upperclassmen, how rising sophmores are going to have to live in freshman housing again, and that there are no days off!


i love the balance of everything here... great academics, lots of fun things to do, and activities for whatever you are interested in. i'd like to change the housing.. don't think freshmen should be on peabody.. i feel like the school is trying to trick them into living here (the high school kids don't know they'll be in kissam as a sophomore) i think most people are impressed when i say i go to vandy. i spend a lot of time studying, but when i'm not studying, i like to go out to lunch and dinner with my friends, go to parties, and do activities with my sorority. i love nashville... definitely a good college town.


The best thing about Vanderbilt is our ability to balance work hard and play hard. One thing that I would change is the Commons munchie mart. School size is just right. Some people have never even heard of Vanderbilt and some are very impressed by my attending Vanderbilt. I spend most of my time in my room. Definitely a college town around campus. Biggest recent controversy on campus was the recent firing of the Vanderbilt Hustler editor. There is a lot of school pride. One experience that I will always remember is going through sorority recruitment. Most frequent student complaints are food options on campus.


Vanderbilt always has so much going on all the time. People are always all around campus whether they are in the library, out getting food, headed to class, hanging out with friends, or going out. It is easy to get involved, get to know people, and have fun. Nashville is such a fun city with so many fun things to do. Also there are great restaurants around town.


Vanderbilt is the best school. The best thing about it is that everyone is in the same boat. Classes are hard, but we all learn to balance. We all work hard and play hard. I would not change a thing. The size is just right, Nashville is a wonderful place to live and just large enough to never get old! I spend most of my time in my room, all around the campus studying, and at all the athletic events. We do not have the best football team, but I think the students love it anyway. For football games, a lot of the students dress up in sun dresses and nice clothes to go get pumped up for the games! I think this is an awesome tradition that brings all of the students together. I never hear of a student not liking Vanderbilt or anything about it.


The best thing about Vanderbilt is the big school/small school environment. Vanderbilt has roughly 6000 undergrads but I feel as if it is much smaller. It took me much less than a semester to get settled in and everywhere I go I run into countless people that I know. Despite its small size especially within its conference, Vanderbilt has one of the top athletic programs in the country and attending the games have been some of my most memorable experiences thus far.