One of the major things to consider when choosing a college is to start early. There are plenty of schools out there, many of which would be a good fit for you. Start looking early and narrow down your choices over a few months. Only apply to schools you really want to attend and have a good chance of getting into. Make sure you focus your attention on your applications to the schools you most want to attend, and don't allow yourself to get distracted by applying to too many schools. Finally, visit the schools you applied to and try to rank the colleges by how much you like them.
Picking a college isn't easy. There are more than 3,000 four-year colleges in the United States and nearly 4,000 two-year schools, and we can honestly say from experience that most parents and students aren't even aware of a fraction of them. We often hear students mention Spelman or Harvard or their state university or the college their brother, uncle, or mother went to?but when we ask them for specific reasons why they're interested in those colleges, we often get blank stares. But picking the right college is more than just choosing among the few colleges that you already know about, or limiting your sights to the colleges in your local area. The right college for you is the college that gives you the academic and social experience you want and that prepares you for the career you're seeking or opens you up to career choices you hadn't even thought about. And let's not forget: the right college is also the college that will accept you and whose tuition fits your ability to pay. But to pick the right school, you have to start early.
Don't be detered from a bad campus tour. When visiting the school schedule meeting with professors, coaches, etc. Also, please get involved when you arrive on campus. And really dont be affraid to be who you are.
Do not get distracted with a lot of the minute detials that are advertised about schools. Pick a school based on two things, the academic character of the school and the type of people that go there. Location, number of clubs etc. are details that do not make or break a college expirience. Be confident that your personality will fit with your classmates. Additiionally, if you go into freshman year with an open mind, you will succeed.
Pick a college that best suites your kid, not you. Don't put too much pressure on them, they will have as much as it is making friends and keeping up with the school work. Be supportive of them in everything they do and NEVER say I told you so. Encouragement is everything. Tell them to get involved in random school activities. You can never have too many friends. Vanderbilt is awesome, but they F*ck you financially!!! peace out
to explore all options
Don't get too stressed about the entire process. Visit as many schools as you can but know in the end that wherver you end up, your college experience is what you make it. If you are able tobe yourself and find people with similar interests then you'll have a great time. Also take advantage of opportunities that seem interesting to you that you may have avoided in high school, you may never have a chnace to try things like this again. For me personally, as someone who is very shy, I wish I had been more willing to open up earlier in my college career. As a freshman I was very nervous but you have to realize that everyone feels the same way. However, most importantly don't get behind in your school work. It can be very hard to recover and the reality is that a low G.P.A can prevent you from doing alot of things in college, and after college.
Look for a college that will help you grow academically as well as socially so that you are a well rounded individual. College is a time to grow and find out who you are as a person - so take advantage of it. Make sure that it teaches leadership, community conciousness, and most importantly academic excellence. It should advance you by community service, academic preminence, and lastly perpetual kinship. If the school that you seek will propel you career, enhance your social skills, and keep you happy all at the same time - then go for it. You only got one life to live, if you live it well - thats all you need!
Make sure that you start off the decision process with campus visits, preferably when school is in session. If you are considering a school that is out of state, make sure that you pay attention to how long it takes to get there - are there direct flights, more than one a day, things like that. You can never put too much emphasis on what just feels right for the student - after narrowing my choices down to two outstanding universitites, I ended up choosing one that was ranked much lower than the the other, just because I knew that I fit in better there. Make sure that the school that you choose has the major that you want, or enough breadth and depth so that you can choose something later. Once you have enrolled, make sure that you get involved and do everything that you have always wanted to do. College only lasts for four short years, and now I know why they always refer to college as the best time of your life. Go on a roadtrip to an away game. Start a new club. Get to know your professors. Live fully, and remember to laugh.
Make sure to spend plenty of time on campus with actual students.