Victor Valley College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Victor Valley College know before they start?


I would tell mnyself that the real world is much more competetive and one must really give effort because thats the only way to get by in life is to continually follow goals and go to college! One shouldn't have to be at a day to day job that one dosn't like, one must step up and go to school for what he or she dreams to do for a living to live a happy and successful life and to have God and the Holy Spirit with you!


Knowing what i know now the advice i would give myself as a high school senior would be to go straight to a University. The life of a college student is an experience that everyone should have and I wish i would have gone right away. I would have told myself to send in my applications to all the universities on time instead of delaying and having to attend a community college. I also would have taken adavantage of all the scholarships that are offered to all the students because people do not take advantage of all the money that is offered to people who want to do something with their educations. To take life seriously and not focus on friends and boys would have been my advice to myself. But more than anything i would have told myself to not be scared of getting started, to be on my own, afterall fear should never hold us back from anything, because then you never would have know what you could have succeeded in.


I would advise myself that I need to make sure that I am prepared and to take everything one step at a time. I would also say that it is better for me to take time to think things through instead of overthinking everything and making a quick decison because I am stressed out. I would also advised myself to take advantage of the counselors as often as I can because they are there to help and will help me achieved my goals. The last thing I would tell myself would be that I should believe in myself and to take control of situations and not let them take control of me.


If I could talk to myself as a senior, I would focus on two things. First, know what you want to do, and know how to get there, if you don't take the inititive to find out the classes you need you are just going to be wasting time and money, two things that are very important in college. Next, don't think that you can get through college without studying. Good study habits is one of the most important things to develop in upper division learning. The truth is that you may be able to get away with it in the beginning, but once you really start getting into the classes that count, you will sink and drown if you don't take the time to study and really learn the information. Plus everything you're going to learn builds on everything you've learned already, if you don't have a good foundation, anything you try to build on that foundation will just crumble. So STUDY, and study hard because you have to put the work in if you want results, that just goes for anything in life.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice for the future in college life, it would be to plan early and utilize every resource out there that is available! There are plenty of people out there that care about you and want you to succeed, so just let go and invest some time into thinking about the future. Get involved with campus clubs and interact with others to discover more about what you like to do and how you can apply that to your future. Do not worry about money and how you will be able to afford to go to college, but do trust that everything will work out as it is suppossed to. Ease your worried mind by taking the first step to talk to a school councelor and explore your options. You have the ability to go far, trust your abilities! Although I cannot change the past, I currently work with first generation students in high school in order to keep them college bound and ease their anxieties that I once knew all to well.


study hard, for working hard today creates a better tommorrow; without a good education not much can be done.


I would have for one worked harder to stay in school and not follow the wrong crowd so that i could research the right school for my degree. I would have gotten a mentor early someone out side of the family to look up to.Someone to help me be more proactive towards life and school and the goals i wanted to accomplish.


That life is harder and more competetive out in the real world. One must try and plant their feet on the ground and really try and build a formation or a plan for his or her future. It takes hours of studying maybe even study groups or friends can help. Also that school is very important because one dosn't want to end up at a dead end job for his or her rest of their life. Everybody has a gift and one must find and use that gift that God has planted for each and everyone of us.


Don't stress the small things. When studying, don't spend hours and hours at one period trying to learn everything before a test. Study in small intervals, thirty to forty-five minute study time, with a 15 minute break. It can be very effective. Get plenty of sleep as well. seven to eight hours of sleep gives a person time to retain everything that he/she had learned the day before. Also, don't wait till the last minute for anything, just be a go-getter and do everything possible to get where you are going.


The advice that I would have given myself as a high school senior would have been to seriously look into and apply for scholarships. I never did grasp how expensive college was going to be until I got the bill for my first college semester. That was when I realized that if I thought community college was expensive, then I would be in a lot of trouble when I went to a university. I would tell myself that the essay questions aren't as daunting as I thought and that a lot of the scholarship applications were actually quite fun.