Villanova University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Villanova University!


Small classes, a major I am very happy with, supportive teaching and advising. It is small but comfortable, and the instructors clearly love what they do. The enthusiasm is contagious. Good career opportunities in many majors. Flexibile schedule options, nice people.


How has life at VU changed with the current economic problems? Student talk about how it has affected their classes and their spring break plans.


VU students discuss how they save money at school and how their on-campus jobs are among the best.


It's engaging, energetic, fun, and active across the board. All activities are greatly promoted and well received. Students' interests really dictate what the school tries to accomodate and there is a sense of self-worth.


Villanova has an amazing community feel that helped my transition from high school to college. The job placement for my major is amazing and I have received a lot of personal support from professors and staff.


Everyone was very friendly and it had an excellent business school. I really felt like i was wanted there.


This school has a close community and everyone is very friendly and willing to help others. There is also a very strong sense of school pride.


National Arboretum, Orientation, very welcoming feeling


At villanova, students are proud that they go there and enthusiastic about school athletics. Freshmen orientation is also stressed and an important part of being a villanova student.


We have an amazing Bussiness and Engineering school. And now that we've built a new Nursing building, we're bound to increase our status in the school of nursing as well!!! Now that our president is a major fan of the Arts, hopefully, in the next few years, we will have more emphasis on Theater and other arts programs.