The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Villanova University is 43%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Find something that you will enjoy and afford. Prestige isn't everything, comfortability is.
Read all 168 answers
Describe the students at your school.
generally friendly, mostly caucasian, some tend to be snobby
Read all 143 answers
What is the stereotype of students at your school?
all white rich kids, villa-no fun
Read all 124 answers
Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
Stereotypes are always based on a small sect of the population, and of course there are people at Nova who fit into the stereotype mold. But most of the students (even ones who may come off as fake and obnoxious) are caring and really sweet.
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What are the academics like at your school?
One thing you can get at Nova and not at bigger schools: student-professor relationships (and not creepy ones). It's so nice to have all of your professors know you by name, and to know you can easily visit them (and not a TA) during their office hours if you need any help. Classes aren't easy, but if you pick the right ones, you won't mind the work that's involved. I'm an accounting major, marketing and entrepreneurship minor--as well as currently studying abroad and planning to work in an internship during a semester--and I was able to fit that all into four years without much of a problem. If you're looking at an accounting major and want to go to a school that's not JUST about accounting, I would definitely recommend Villanova!
Read all 121 answers
What is your overall opinion of this school?
The best thing about Villanova is the importance placed on social justice. Even though I am not Catholic, this is one of the values that I cherish about Catholicism and I believe that if I had gone to another institution I might not have been as involved within the surrounding community. My freshmen year I had the opportunity to go on a service break trip to Kingston, Jamaica and this experience completely changed the path that I was on at Villanova. Before this experience, I did not really have much direction as to what clubs and activities that I wanted to be involved with.
One thing that I would change about Villanova is the administration emphasis on athletics. Although this is an important part of Villanova and most likely brings in a lot of revenue for the school, I believe that much can still be done to improve classroom space and support. I think that Villanova is just the right size. It is big enough so that you don't feel like you're back in high school but also small enough so that you can see many familiar faces when walking to class.
When I tell people that I go to Villanova they normally react by saying wow, that's a great school. I am honored to go to a school that has such a good academic reputation. On campus, I spend most of my time in the library. There are so many spots to not only study but also hangout with friends and catch up. The entire mainline has many universities and colleges in the area which makes it very welcoming to students. There are many local restaurants that support students and make it convenient for students to eat or hangout there.
It is not unusual to see many students sporting 'Nova gear because many students are proud of the institution. Although there is definitely still some room for improvement, Villanova has been a great place to spend my last four years!
Read all 120 answers
What are the most popular student activities/groups?
The social scene at Nova isn't crazy, and I wouldn't call it a party school either. But I've never been pressed with having nothing to do. Even if we aren't drinking, there's one of the biggest malls in the country located close by, and tons of restaurants down the street. Dorm halls range from small former-houses to huge 5 story, multi-winged buildings. You get a different experience with dorm life depending on your dorm hall, and I've lived in both large and small. I met my best friends in the tiny dorm building we had freshman year, where we kept our doors open all the time and did everything together. But this year in the larger building the doors stay closed, and I don't really know my neighbors. It's all a matter of the effort you make, really.
Read all 112 answers
Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Small classes, a major I am very happy with, supportive teaching and advising. It is small but comfortable, and the instructors clearly love what they do. The enthusiasm is contagious. Good career opportunities in many majors. Flexibile schedule options, nice people.
Read all 80 answers
Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Villanova not only offers its students a great education but a litany of resources for personal self development.
Read all 42 answers
What's unique about your campus?
The best thing about my school is the dedication that the students have to their work and to service.
Read all 39 answers
What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
That there was not much ethnic diversity or financial diversity amongst the students. Also that alcohol is a basically all people do on the weekends.
Read all 33 answers
What kind of person should attend this school?
A white student from a middle to upper class town in the Northeast who attributes themselves as preppy and slightly modern
Read all 29 answers
What kind of person should not attend this school?
Anyone who is very closed off or mean-spirited. Villanova is incredibly community-focused and values friendships and relationships that last. Students that relish in competition for the sake of winning rather than for the opportunity and experience would also not work with Villanova. Students here are very competitive; however, students want to win to achieve and excel personally rather than to beat or "out-do" others.
Read all 26 answers
What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
I don't really brag about my school. It's not brag worthy.
Read all 24 answers
What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
Lack of diversity
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frustrating thing abut Villanova is its lack of diversity however, the University has been taking recent measures to change this. Another frustrating thing about Villanova is financial aid. They tend to take away money from you every year.
Read all 19 answers
Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Basketball, Villanova School of Business, Engineering
Read all 19 answers
What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
Most of the school is primarily white. Although this stereotype is diversity can still be found in the school except in smaller quantities. The diversity is increasing with each incoming class.
Read all 11 answers
Describe the dorms.
For each of your three years living on campus at Villanova, there is the dorm that everyone wants to live in...and a dorm that no one wants to live in. Which buildings should you aim for? The scoop lies here.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
a member of Villanova’s Blue Key Society gives his speech on why he chose to come to Nova.
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