Villanova University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Villanova University?

Is Villanova University a good school?

What is Villanova University known for?


The best hing about this school is its values. Not only is Villanova impeccable when it comes to academics, it also possesses a wonderful sports team which encourages pride and school spirit amongst all who attend. Additionally, Villanova is Catholic and Augustinian school meaning that it holds true to service, truth, and loyalty. Because Villanova has three wonderful aspects, academics, spirit, and service, it is beyond wonderful to attend.


The best thing about Villanova is the importance placed on social justice. Even though I am not Catholic, this is one of the values that I cherish about Catholicism and I believe that if I had gone to another institution I might not have been as involved within the surrounding community. My freshmen year I had the opportunity to go on a service break trip to Kingston, Jamaica and this experience completely changed the path that I was on at Villanova. Before this experience, I did not really have much direction as to what clubs and activities that I wanted to be involved with. One thing that I would change about Villanova is the administration emphasis on athletics. Although this is an important part of Villanova and most likely brings in a lot of revenue for the school, I believe that much can still be done to improve classroom space and support. I think that Villanova is just the right size. It is big enough so that you don't feel like you're back in high school but also small enough so that you can see many familiar faces when walking to class. When I tell people that I go to Villanova they normally react by saying wow, that's a great school. I am honored to go to a school that has such a good academic reputation. On campus, I spend most of my time in the library. There are so many spots to not only study but also hangout with friends and catch up. The entire mainline has many universities and colleges in the area which makes it very welcoming to students. There are many local restaurants that support students and make it convenient for students to eat or hangout there. It is not unusual to see many students sporting 'Nova gear because many students are proud of the institution. Although there is definitely still some room for improvement, Villanova has been a great place to spend my last four years!


Overall, Villanova is my home away from home. I love it here. I think the best thing about it is that it feels like a college when you are on campus; minus having a Frat Row, you get the real college experience here. If I could change one thing, however, it would be having guaranteed Senior housing. Size-wise, we are a medium sized school which I think is perfect because there are always more friends for you to make but its not too small that you feel claustrophobic. When I tell people I go here they usually respond with "Oh, good school!" Although, I wouldn't call Villanova a typical college town, it does have its 'college-town' aspects like hang-outs and accommodating businesses in the area. There is so much school pride. On any given day, you will see half of campus wearing their Villanova gear proudly for everyone to see. The food could be better, but they do something to try and fix that every semester.


I love it here! It is easy to get involved and find your niche. The annual homecoming party was at Opium in the Hard Rock Cafe this year and it only cost $10! There are always fun events going on. Also, the dean of my college knows me by name as do many other administrators and all my professors. Professors are readily available to help during office hours, and take interest in helping you accomplish your career goals. I have experienced this first hand and already have 3 mentors. Classrooms usually do not exceed 25 students. There are many opportunities to network with faculty through the Honors Program, and general functions. The undergraduate program is not that well-known which is sort of annoying. The school is growing, though, so I'm sure that it will gain recognition. The new president of NSU is an amazing individual and he has a great vision for NSU. There is no football team, but I enjoy watching the soccer and basketball teams play. There is also a great swim team, rowing team, and many others. School pride isn't that great, but I think we have a cool mascot: Razor the Shark. I live on campus and the residential facilities here are awesome. They are not your typical college dorms with community bathrooms. Laundry is free and I feel very safe here. We have an awesome gym that offers a variety of group exercise classes. I will always remember this past homecoming week because I participated in the annual raft races which takes place in a lake behind the library (which is by the way huge!). I love commuity service and NSU is a great community partner and there are always opportunities to serve.


The best thing about this school is the community it creates among its students. From the very start of freshmen year, there's the freshmen orientation that is designed to get freshmen comfortable within the college campus. There are also many events that bring together the Villanovan community, such as the Day of Service or Special Olympics. These two events not only bring together students, alumni, and families of students/alumni, but we also have the opportunity to give back to the community.


Villanova's the perfect size. You're meeting new people all the time, but you will see a ton of familiar faces no matter what side of campus you go to. I love Villanova and I would choose coming here over and over again. It helps that Villanova also helped me get my dream job, as a senior, and I've had some extremely passionate and fun teachers who have really prepared me for the future.


The best thing about this school is that you can surround yourself with like minded people and do your own thing. You wanna frat hard? Go for it. You wanna spend your days and nights in the Bloomberg lab, getting the low-down on whats going on in the finance world? You won't be alone. You want to join the breakdance team or students for liberty? It's all there. The one thing I would change is to make the curriculum a little more vigorous. While there is an Honors core, it's mostly viewed as a joke, and to my understanding, the classes are easier than the regular core. When I tell people I go to Villanova, there is an immediate stigma of "this guy must be a boss." More and more each year the school climbs the rankings; both quality and price. The school is well on its way to being recognized as one of the top 10 in the country. In fact, the business school in #7 for 2011 (Bloomberg Businessweek). I spend most of my time in the Business School. Most of my classes are there, and the business societies all hold meetings in the evenings. The university and VSB career centers do a stellar job at bringing top companies to campus, and most hold their info sessions in Bartley. Arguably, Bartley has the best food on campus, so for someone with my interests, the only reason to leave the business school is to get some sleep at night. This is not a college town. It's an incredibly affluent suburb of Philadelphia. There are many bars nearby, and most Frat's have house parties, but they are driving distance only. Administration does a great job accomodating any request. Recently, there has been a decline in "Customer Service," but I find if you're kind to them, they'll take care of you. Recent controversy: undercover officers selling drugs on campus to bust things. It's a bi-product of residing in a township with no crime. The cops have nothing better to do than to pick on us. There can never be too much school pride, but Nova kids find a great balance. We won't jump off buildings or riot after a loss (PSU??). The school's Catholic roots lend it to be very charitable, which is awesome. The environment on "Days of Service" is incredible. Most memorable experience cannot be discussed in a proffessional setting, but it was A LOT of fun. Most frequent complaint has to deal with student parking.


Villanova is a perfect fit for me. Its close proximity to Philadelphia provides students with a plethora of things to do on weekends. The campus is beautiful and is small enough so that students can walk everywhere, yet big enough so you are not seeing the same people everywhere. There is a lot of school pride because everyone is so proud to go here.


I could not be happier at Villanova. The sense of community that can be felt here is amazing - I felt it from the first day of Freshman Orientation! The community feeling extends through your college years, well past graduation. The Villanova Alumni network is a great resource when looking for a job or an internship because any Villanova alum that I have met cannot wait to help another Villanovan out! The school is the perfect size, in my opinion. It is large enough that you can meet new people every day, but not so big that you will get lost in the shuffle. Most of my time on campus is spent in the lounges and dining halls, hanging out with friends. It's definitely located in a college town, as the student ID or "Wildcard" as we have come to call it, is accepted as a method of payment at many restaurants, bars, and businesses around town. A lot of the people who live and work in the area went to Villanova and love the students! School pride is huge here. When you go to Villanova, you're part of something big. It's something that you feel as soon as you come to campus. You're more than just a student - you're a Villanovan.


Going to Villanova is like buying a $70 Ralph Lauren Polo when a $20 knock off will suffice. It's sadly all about name and reputation, with little to do with overall quality, honesty, and integrity. Also, too much lip service is paid to Catholic "ideals." It's just part of the marketing. Justice and fairness is only applied when it's considered to advance the overall agenda of the school. The agenda of the school is to present itself as some rarified bastion of virtue and intellectual integrity to be had at premium prices. The reality is that one can get the same thing at a state college for much less.