Villanova University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Villanova University?

Is Villanova University a good school?

What is Villanova University known for?


Its my favorite place to be in the world. Such a great atmosphere. It is very strict at Villanova but its worth it to go there. The people are awesome. Food is ok. So much school pride during basketball games!


Very good size. Not to small that it is boring, but not to large that you feel you are just a number or that you are not important on campus. The religious influence makes the campus feel more like a home and community rather than just a group of classrooms. The students have a lot of school spirit and are very proud to be Villanovans.


I love Villanova's campus. The people I've met here are wonderful and I'm glad to have found so many good, close friends. I wish Villanova had a nicer fine arts center or department with more opportunities and better facilities to express creativity in music, art, and drama. The size of the campus fits well with me. Since I'm from Philadelphia, many people act impressed with my choice of school, but also think of the many stereotypes associated with it. Villanova is often perceived as a more elite school on the main line compared to the others in the city, and is known for it's superficiality (basketball, campus, location) instead of its academics. The university just recently built a new gym, a law school parking lot, and is working on the building of a nursing school. Personally, I would much rather like to see the building of a new dorm or apartment complexes on campus and more parking spaces or parking college for students due to the overcrowding of incoming students and the increase of student population over the years. The biggest controversy was the anti-semitic graffiti found on campus last year. The university and our president responded very well situation as the student body was completely shocked by the offensive act of vandalism. Much of the school pride stems from college basketball. The unity of the students strongly comes together at games. I will always remember watching the game when Villanova won against #1 ranked UConn in 2006. I wished I was there rushing the court with the rest of the student body.


The best thing about villanova is that the people are really nice. I would like their to be more diversity here. nova is perfect size. people are impressed when i tell them im goin to nova. i spend most of my time on south. "what college town?" no opinion on administration fire alarm on nova fest. (people wanted to search our rooms) yes there's a lot of school pride i will always remember lacrosse people complain about the facilities


I like the different class. Also, I like how close it is to my home.


I do not leave on the weekends. It is a lot of fun here. People work hard and know how to have fun. There is a lot of school pride for certain sports, primarly basketball. Villanova's student to professor ratio is great. I know all of them personally and they make the effort to contact me if they notice that something is wrong. Since i'm not from the tri-state area, not many people know Villanova by it's academics, rather because of the basketball team...disappointing, but oh well. I spend most of my time in the Nursing builing, which we are getting a new one Fall 2008!


The best thing about Villanova is the campus. It is so pretty, especially in the Spring. If I could change anything though I would change the housing situation. Housing at Villanova is either really good or awful and so your housing lottery number can make or break your year. The past two years I have gotten bad lottery numbers and I have not met as many people as friends who live in the "good dorms." When I tell people that I go to Villanova they either say oohh "Villanofun" ... "That's an excellent school" or "I've never heard of it" I spend most of my time on campus in my dorm... I live in the nursing school and as a nursing student I don't have to leave the building on some days! There is a ton of school pride in Villanova students. I used to go to all of the basketball games with my face painted blue because the pride is just so contagious. Villanova students truly bleed blue and white. Even if you go here and hate the school you will defend it to anyone who calls it Villanofun or who tries to say anything bad about nova.


the best thing about villanova is the insane amount of job and networking opportunities they give students every single day. the size of the school is perfect - you can meet someone new every day, but if you are sitting in a public place, you will probably see at least one person you know. the township of radnor isn't very cooperative with our school, but it hardly hinders daily life. the pride of students for school is not comparable to very many other schools.


On Villanova's campus Community Service is huge. In order to participate in almost every service organization there is a very selective application process, very competitive. It's great to find a campus where students are so committed to service, however sometimes I feel as though some may not be partaking in these activities for the best reasons (seems like their looking to spruce up their resumes). While diversity is lacking at Villanova, it seems as though they are making an effort to increase diversity on campus (the area that needs most improvement however is the Faculty!!) also as a minority student on campus I find that the center for Multi-Cultural Affairs is an amazing support system for students who might otherwise feel somewhat alienated. Even given some of the negative stereotypes that do accurately depict Villanova students, everyone is very friendly. Villanova has a very good academic reputation, especially in the mid-northern atlantic region (and lets be real who wants to live and work anywhere else!!!). Philadelphia is big college city, Drexel, UPenn, St. Joe's, LaSalle, and Temple are all in the area. Villanova is about 20 minutes outside center city on the main line lots of great restaurants and shopping in the area, King Of Prussia Mall is about 10-15 minutes away from school which is very convenient. Villanova Basketball is huge!!! One thing I would change about villanova... The University is not very diverse, and most of the students are somewhat apathetic about issues of diversity, we have had some incidents on campus graffiti (racial slurs etc.) however the student responses to these incidents were very positive. All in all I would say i enjoyed my four years at Villanova, met great people, and got a great education.


The kids: They're all very nice. I haven't had any problems. Everyone minds their own business and wants to do well. The teachers: They can be boring but most of the ones I've had are excellent. They know what they are talking about and are available to help. They are flexible and want their students to succede. The workload: I'd say the workload can be quite ridiculous at times. I'm a freshman, am almost done the year and am in the process of writing my thirty-ninth paper. There is an EXTREME amount of reading but it is possible to get by without reading everything (which I made the mistake of doing first semester). Stuff is only as stressful as you make it. You really need to budget your time effectively and DONT PUT THINGS OFF (especially reading when it is necessary) like I did.