Villanova University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Villanova University?


The lack of diversity amongst the student body. I had a number of friends who "came out" as gay only after graduating, because the overwhelmingly conservative student body had them convinced they wouldn't be accepted. The professors, on the other hand, are wonderfully open-minded, but when a school is so expensive that only affluent students can attend, the student body is bound to look and act a certain way.


The immaturity of most of the students


The most frustrating thing about VIllanova University is that the student demographic is not diverse. Many of the students are from upper middle class families, own the same clothes, have the same phones and listen to the same music. While I believe that you can find individuality where ever you look, and I appreciate the different thing each student brings to the school, I wish that the proportion of students with different backgrounds and interest was larger.


Perhaps the most frustrating thing about Villanova is that it is easy to get caught up in campus life and fail to reflect or experience the world outside Villanova. Yet, Villanova makes up for this with the wealth of study abroads, mission trips, service break trips, and internships that are offered. Further, the variety of classes and the solid core curriculum which includes courses in all disciplines also forces you to open your eyes and delve into life outside of Villanova and even beyond. By allowing oneself to be open to such experiences, even this "frustrating thing" can be resolved.


The most frustrating thing is probably the lack of diversity on campus. While the school claims to be making an effort to diversify the student body and professors, their efforts are not very noticable. Another point of frustration is the quality of the library. While it is functional, there is little space to do work.


The most frustrating thing abut Villanova is its lack of diversity however, the University has been taking recent measures to change this. Another frustrating thing about Villanova is financial aid. They tend to take away money from you every year.


The dininghalls close early.


Despite all of the crazy Basketball games, classes that challenge you to think outside of the box and students who love you for who you are and form friendships with you, Villanova is very stingy on money. When I applied for this school, I did not receive any financial aid from them. I only obtained a local scholarship from Hawaii. When I asked fellow students if they received any aid, they replied no. But, I think the reason why Villanova is so stingy in giving out financial aid is because they want to focus on making their school the best.


Registration is hands-down the most frustruating part of school. Plan ahead wil an "A" schedule and a "B" schedule so if you get closed out of classes you want, you have another set of classes all lined up and ready to go. This will save you from inevitable dissappointment every semester!


The most frustrating thing about going to Villanova is that I don't have as much money as my classmates. I have a work-study job on-campus, but I still don't make enough to cover my loans or keep up with what everyone else has.