There is a lot of stuff to do around campus or off, that includes drinking or doesn't include drinking. Athletic events are popular. Kids leave their doors open a lot and hang out in the hallways, go to lunch or dinner together. You really get to know the people in your hallway.
Blue Key and sororities, basketball is a big deal, hang out with kids you meet freshman year in the dorms, people usually party on weekends unless in a sorority or frat
People tend to be really involved in activities/organizations. Special Olympics and Habitat for Humanity are really big at nova.
Basketball is huge on campus
Thursday, Friday, Saturday there are always parties close to campus or in Philadelphia. Fraternities and sports teams throw most of the parties and are what I would recomend if trying to have a good time.
SGA, blue key and admissions ambassadors, special olympics, habitat for humanity and other community service are the most popular activities.
The Villanovan - student newspaper. weekly publication. 6500 circulation
Athletic events: very popular
Traditions: Novafest, Hoops Mania, Accapellapalooza
generally, people party thurs, fri, sat
Off campus: mall, take a train into philly
It is a very involved campus, with both sports and service. I have been involved with Habitat for Humanity here at Villanova. Students, depending on the dorm, will leave their doors open. Athletic events are popular and guest speakers are too. I met my closest friends my freshman year because I living in a small dorm. If I am awake at 2 am on a Tuesday it is most likely due to homework. There are a few events that happen yearly, homecoming, hoops mania, and novafest. People party a fair amount but nothing out of control. The greek life is popular, more for girls than guys. Last weekend I went to a party and hung out with friends. Saturday night you can go to the movies, go into Philly and see a show, there are lot of things to do that do not involve drinking.
I am not as involved as I hope that I would have been, but there are many oppurtunities to get involved. Service is a big activity on campus. There are several organizations primarliry dedicated to service. AThletic evernts such as basketball are very popular. I met my closest friends freahman year in the dorms. If I am awake at 2am Tuesday, Iam studying/doing hw-otherwise I would be sleeping. Partying depends on one's major- business majors party the most. I only do so on the weekends, if at all. Last weekend I watched Villanova's B-ball team in the sweet 16 game.