Villanova University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known that the campus community is so tight knit that it shares the same ideas as motivation--such as service and community. While this is good in many senses, and fosters a positive campus community, it also is somewhat limiting in that it does not necessarily encourage alternative motivations and ideas.


You should join everything possible in the beginning to get to know people.


I wish I could have predicted how difficult it would be to prioritize my college life. There will always be parties, friends, and social events waiting outside your door. It can get pretty hard to choose studying over everything else, but it really needs to be done!


I wish I had known how much of an impact on one's social life participation in a sorority/fraternity would have (i.e., if one is not in a sorority/fraternity, there aren't as many social events available for one to attend).


The lack of diversity pertaining to the backgrounds of the students


I wish I had been aware of the popularity of fraternities and sororities on campus.


I wish I had more knowledge regarding the importance of financial aid, community service and student leadership skills. Now it is very difficult to get a scholarship or any type of financial aid. I was only in the Marching Band of my high school, so I did no community service even though I was a section leader in the band. I am involved more now while in university, but it seems too late.


That there was not much ethnic diversity or financial diversity amongst the students. Also that alcohol is a basically all people do on the weekends.


I researched the school well.


If I had known of this school before my undergraduation I would have done my undergraduation in this school itself so that I could have learnt more.But anyways I am happy that I am doing my graduation in this school.