Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

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VCU is completely different from any other school I've seen/visitied. It has such an artsy, urban atmosphere, and is very unique in the structure of the campus and the campus surroundings. Richmond isn't the typical college town. It offers so many opportunities that I feel many students at other schools don't have because they are confined to the college campus, whereas VCU is in the heart of Virginia's capital.


The location. Since it's in the middle of the city, we have access to pretty much everything from malls, to grocery stores to concert venues.


It's in the middle of a major city and really defines what is recognized as downtown Richmond.


The city atmosphere is what makes my school unique. The school is ingrained into the city life, which makes for an interesting mix. While at times it can be frustrating, it does give a sense that something is always going on. Overall, I enjoy the city atmosphere.


Urban location and racial diverse. Excellent school of Business.


Virginia Commonwealth University is unique because of its campus. Unlike other campuses it is not in a defined area of a town. Its campus is right in the middle of the city of Richmond. As well as higher learning, college is for preparing for the real world and being in the heart of a big city really helps you. You are able to interact within the city and with people beyond the university.


Virginia Commonwealth University advertises this a lot, and it's true: the diversity at VCU is unparalleled. Not only is the mix of students diverse racially, but also economically. I meet people from all walks of life from all economic levels. In addition, the range of majors that VCU offers is very broad. There are a lot of art students here, as the art school is top ranked, but there are also a lot of pre-medical students, as well as engineering students who are helping to propel VCU's new engineering school to the top of the rankings.


The high school that I attended was like a melting pot. We had the zone kids who lived near the school, a program for different arts including: theater, dance, and visual, as well as the International Baccalaureate program, which I attended. Here at the Virginia Commonwealth University, I found myself in a similar environment. The MCV campus sets a goal for me, the school of arts entertains, while the regular campus educates. The diversity of the students creates such an interesting group of youths. It is mind-blowing to know that I can find this diversity in just one class.


I love it here!! This school is such a change from my previous school- the ever-freezing and very highfalutin University of Vermont. The campus is very pretty, the city is full of entertainment, the people are warm and unique and you absolutely can't beat the price for a very good education. I recommend VCU to all people, but especially prospective art students. It's really excellent.


The most unique thing about VCU is that it is an urban campus, which means we have an entire city to our disposal right on campus. It's impossible to be bored at VCU, because there's always so much to do. The other unique thing was that it was the #1 public art school in American, which is a veyr prestigious title.