There is a huge diversity amoung the students. Everyone dresses as they please and expresses them selves in a free way. No one is judged.
Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts is ranked by U.S. News and World Report as the top public college art program and the fourth overall college art program in the country. Unlike many colleges, the art curriculum is arranged so that your first year there is more heavy in art and less heavy in general college courses. Students thus learn early if they have the dedication it takes to be an artist. If not, there is still time to change majors to something more compatible for that individual.
VCU has a rich tradition of fostering creativity and the arts. Take in an art show at the Anderson Gallery, watch a performance at the Singleton Center or attend one of the annual international festivals held on campus. VCU offers myriad opportunities to enhance academic life, including specialized honors curricula, study abroad and service-learning. VCU, an NCAA Division I and Colonial Athletic Association member, sponsors 16 intercollegiate sports with more than 250 student-athletes. Students also participate in intramurals, fitness programs, outdoor adventure trips and special sporting events through Recreational Sports.
There is never a dull moment at my school. Every program we have is both fun and educational. Because we're in the capitol of Virginia there are so many intersting historical sites to see and learn from.
What makes VCU an incredible campus is that it is interconnected with the the city of Richmond, which creates a unique and interesting place for college students to experience. VCU is not the typical college campus that is surrounded by nothing, like Virginia Tech or UVA Wise. It's a thriving and diverse campus. Many local places support VCU and help students out. The Art scene is only growing stronger every year. There are tons of places to go and things to do. VCU is a great university and will only continue to grow.
I like VCu because of all the different people there. I'm able to learn about other cultures and lifestyles. With it being in the City of Richmond I'm never bored, I always have somewhere to go. The people there want to help you succeed and do all they can.
Virginia Commonwealth University offers so many diverse majors and yet it is a very affordable school. I chose to go here because of their stellar art program which compares to several high-priced schools.
My school, VCU, is considered one of the most diverse schools in Virginia. It attracts people of all different backgrounds and majors, and thus people of all types are friends. I believe that because my school has so much diversity, there is a lot less racial and ethnic tension between students and people are more willing to go out of their way to meet other students and make them feel welcome in a place that may feel brand new to them. I love it here!
The diversity is incredible! I come from a city that has a decent mix of races but I?ve never seen so many different cultures and ethnicities mixed together.
Our school is very artistic. We have a wide variety of people on our campus. This is not the campus that has everyone dressing and looking the same.