Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Virginia Commonwealth University!


The price and proximity where important. The program valued itself on working in theatre.


Something unique I find about my school is that the campus seems a lot more historical than the other schools. A lot of the buildings here have been here for several decades. Another thing is that it seems like there is much more campus security than other schools.


Richmond is culturally and ethnically diverse. For a student seeking more than just an education that comes from books, to one who is seeking a real-world education, VCU is the place to be. There is always something to do in the city and it's an easy commute from campus to anywhere you'd like to go.


Be willing to work hard, no degree from any college comes easy. Don't get too stressed out, balance you time between actually having a life and making room for your studies. If you don't, you'll get burned out.


our school is on the outskirts of the downtown city life. we live in more of the suburbs with lots of art galleries and mom an pop owned eatery shops. there are lots of vintage and upscale fancy clothing shops too.


The thing that makes VCU different from other schools that I considered is the fact that it is really diverse. You come in contact with people from different ethnic, religious, cultural and financial backgrounds. This prepares you for the "real world" and the many things that you can expect once you graduate from school. This causes students to have a more open mind and become more accepting of other people's lifestyles.


Very artistic and diverse. The campus is very liberal and open to a lot of studnets opinions.


There is a powerful sense of ethnic diversity at my University, which in turn allows the students to have an open mind.


This school is very diverse and the campus is large enough that you can continuously explore it and not get bored.


I actually am a transfer student from a school in NYC, Pratt Insitute. When I first came to V.C.U. I was shocked by the school spirit, itz very strong here to a point where athleats are given special treatment. While there really isnt a division of social classes there are strong boundaries between social groups. This school has a great art program.