Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Virginia Commonwealth University!


Open campus with new buildings and use of many architectural unique buildings for classes and housing. The school is career oriented that ensures your success in the community.


I am leaving VCU because I just didnt feel like it was right for me personally but I know many others that enjoy it. I went because of a friend, I recommend NOT doing that. Go with what you like, not just because someone wants you to come. You wont be happy. It's a nice school, but I want a college with more school pride and a football team! =)


If I had to choose a school to attend all over again, I would definitely choose VCU again.


VCU is an amazing school. I love being involved with the theatre program here. No one really knows how much we do besides us. There is always something to do on-campus. I remember they brought Tori from "Mythbusters" in! There were not a lot of people, but still, I got to hug him! We actually got out of our work-call for "Dracula" just to see him. :]


I loooooove VCU : )it's the best.


VCU is an awesome school!


I cannot begin to describe how excited I am about starting my journey of college, and it only adds to my thrill to be going through this at VCU. This fine college is friendly, welcoming, strong in academics and professors, and many things that would make any college across America outstanding! My choice of college was a hard one, but now I realized all of that deliberation was not worth it after seeing the amazing gold and black of the VCU Ram spirit!!


Just have fun and find your own place. I'd recommend VCU to anyone.


I think that about wraps it up. I hope you seriously look into VCU as your school. My college experience has been great and I would not change a thing. Just follow your instincts, see what is out there, and don't forget to have fun learning new things about yourself. That is what college is about after all. :)


The president makes way too much money while the professors are left scrounging.