While the school for the most part was very similar to what I expected, I wish I had come to Richmond beforehand to at least get a feel for the city before attending school, just so that I would be better prepared for city life.
I wish I had known exactly what I wanted to do. I thought I wanted to do Biology but now I like Chemistry. The reason why I did not choose chemistry at first is because everyone with Pre-medical or Pre-dental tracks chooose biolog. I wish I had known that chemistry is not as hard as everyone else says and that I should have followed what I loved. Also, I wish I knew about websites that have descriptions of the professors before signing up for their classes.
I wish I would have known, that Virginia Commonwealth University Music program wasn't for me.
I wish I had known how easy it was to apply myself. Sucess is easily attained by the hard working. In highschool, I did not try extremely hard in school, and I was content with being part of the ordinary. Now I know, it is easy to stand out if you just focus on the goals you set, and strive for excellence. Also, I would have applied for more scholarships earlier, and also gotten a job at a yonger age.
How to drive: especially as an art major, a car would have been really useful.
I wish I would have seen the whole campus, it's a busy place and city.
The transition was a little bit of both. The transition from high school classes to college classes was a bit difficult. While it was easy for me to maintain my responsibility for my attendance in classes, it’s quite strenuous to think that failing one exam would have a tremendous impact on my overall grade. However, upholding my grades from high school to college has been an easy task. With my successful study habits from high school it has been easy to prepare for exams in college.
How many people in Richmond and VCU smoke. It can be difficult to breathe at times.
The major I truly wanted-I had to repeat or take new classes due to changing majors.
The one thing I really wish I would have known before coming to this school is to not invest in the largest meal plan available to students. I spent way too much money on "swipes" and "dining dollars" (VCU's way of ensuring students have food to eat), and actually found myself trying to get rid of them before the semester was over. I am positive that next semester, my sophmore year, I will not invest in a meal plan, but instead will use my own money to pay for food that is cheaper and healthy.