Deadlines are NOT suggestions. I wish I knew to take them more seriously because I would have saved myself a large amount of hassle, financially and time wise.
Before attending Virginia Commonwealth University, I wish I would have known how to better utilize my time to study for class. In high school my classes were hard but not like how hard they are now in college. In high school it was a lot easier to sort of get away with not studying or doing the reading for my classes, and still ending up with a decent grade. When I got to college, I struggled to learn how to better use my time to study and prepare for my classes so that I could get the grades I wanted.
I wish I had known how expensive life as a college art student is. I have heard about it, seen it in movies, etc. but never experience it. I know things in life are expensive out of college due to financial situations at home, but I never considered just how expensive it would be when studying to be an art major. No one prepared me for the amount of supplies I would need to buy on an almost day to day basis!
I wish i had known to join more clubs so I could become more social.
I wish I would have know that college is a little harder than high school and requires more study time and time out of the classroom. I wish I would have known that classes are a lot bigger and it is your responsibility to keep up on the work and attend classes. The professor does not keep up on all the students as well.
I wish I had known that being a student at this University, I was going to have little help from the faculty. My freshman year, I lived at home with my parents, and I felt as though VCU focused mostly on the students living in the dorms and made sure they were taken care of, but did not give the same treatment towards the students living off-campus.
Honestly, I am very satisfied with my school and haven't found anything I wanted to change about it yet. The learning environment there is very good. They offer great courses and wonderful professors who teach them. One thing that I really love about VCU is that it is very diverse. Lots of students from other countries and religions attend VCU. And whenever you need help or need t o inquire about something, there is always someone to help you whether it's through phone for face to face.
I wish I had known that the high school workload and the college workload are incomparable. With the exception of a few AP classes, high school work, homework, and exams in no way predisposed me to the amount of effort and attention that is required for college classes. Thankfully, I was able to adapt quickly before the more difficult, major-specific classes began.
I wish I would have known that there would be tons of free time and you should never put off homework because there are fun things happening around you.
I wish if i knew that they have the worst financial aid counselors.