Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.


I don't think VT is very diverse but I meet people with different political views and ethnicities but not overwhelmingly. Most Tech students are from the three largest metropolitan areas in VA, like VA Beach, NOVA, and Richmond. Since I am in the NOVA category I feel at home at Tech but my boyfriend is from a small town in Southwest VA and he enjoys Tech the same amount that I do, especially once he joined a fraternity and made his community larger.


We are pretty casual around here, most people wear jeans and a tshirt to class, not everyone does this just the general overview.


There are so many different culture groups to get involved with... there's def. diversity on campus IDK of any type of student that would feel out of place t-shirt and jeans or just whatever suites them... YES different types of students interact i can't really describe the tables... everyone kind of mixes together Politically aware... yes, all about getting everyone to vote, etc. obviously money is a concern but it's not like a major topic or anything??? no one really sits around and is like OMG i'm going to make this much when i get older... that's kind of dumb


I doubt there is any such thing as feeling left out of place at Virginia Tech. We have so many organizations on campus dedicated to diversity and comforting environments that there is absolutely a place for everyone. Students wear Hokie Gear the most to class. When I say Hokie Gear I mean ANYTHING Maroon and Orange. It is pretty much the easiest and most popular thing to wear on campus, especially when you see someone with a VT shirt you hadn't seen before, you WANT it and GOTTA have it.


I would say a lot of kids are republican, but no one really talks about it. I think for the most part groups on campus are very open and encouraging to success and willing to help people do well.


not very diverse, everyone inviting and friendly


For the most part, Tech's student body is primarily composed of white students. Many students would say discrimination does not exist on this campus, however, they are wrong. Whether it be suddle, or blatant, it does occur; more often than one would think.


-I do not notice race. Most students where t-shirts and jeans to class.


To be honest, the majority of students at Virginia Tech are white. That doesn't mean that we don't have a large percentage of minorites, because we do, but the majority are white. Most students dress relatively preppy, and many just wear hoodies and jeans to class. Most Tech students are from Northern Virginia, Richmond, or Virginia Beach. I think that the majority of students are middle class, at least the ones I interact with. I think the majority of students think that they are politically aware, but they are really not.


I don't know if any one type of person would feel out of place at Tech, as long as you have social skills and have friends. You'll find students wearing some of everything to class. There will be the ROTC dressed in their uniforms, people wearing sweatpants and jeans; some people do dress up for class though. Different types of students do interact. I feel like most Virginia Tech students are from northern virginia or maryland. Followed by the rest of virginia and up north like new jersey and pennsylvania. There are all types of financial backgrounds I assume, but no one really talks about that. There are students who are politically active and then there are students who are not. It's such a big school you're going to have a mix of everything.