Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.


Racially speaking, VT isn't very diverse. Pretty much, the majority of the people are white. This is something I believe is evolving. The campus is becoming more racially diverse, but I'd be lying if I said it was diverse at this point. There are clubs and groups for different races and religion, probably developed to help people feel less isolated in such a homogeneous environment. I've attended a few Young Democrat meetings and that's really helped me feel more connected to people who share my political beliefs on campus, because it seems to be a fairly conservative campus. There is a strong LBGT community that offers lots of support; members have spoken to several of my classes. I believe people of any sexual orientation can fit in at VT. Different types of students interact. There is very little prejudice here that I've witnessed. There have been some movements protesting the lack of diversity of race among professors, but I don't believe VT is a place that discriminates. People here are smart, and smart people are less likely to discriminate. Even if they are conservative. As far as what students wear to class, that's up to them. Some come to class in sweatpants every single day without fail. Others look like they are about to hit up a club downtown. Live and let live. Wear what you like, most people don't judge.


Not very diverse, some aspects are but it could be a lot better.


I would say Virginia Tech is a very white kid school. There is not that much noticeable diversity just walking around campus. Most of the kids here are from Northern Virginia, Richmond and Virginia Beach. Most kids either sport hokie gear to class or are kind of prepped out. Everyone and their brother pretty much owns a pair of sperrys and a black North Face Fleece.