Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University?


Some stereotypes that I have heard is that we do not have any diversity, overwhelming class sizes and are sometimes "stuck up".


predominately white school


It depends who you talk to UVA-thinks we are slackers who drink alot Everyone else thinks we care alot about our football and basketbal team.


I say being 'country' or 'redneck' or overly supported of their sports & stuff. Greek Life stereotypes: preppy, stuck-up, and drunks (mostly the frats)


Do not know. Did not know any when coming here. Since attending Tech, drunk and rednecks.


I hate the stereotype that VT is the school you go to if you did not get into to UVA. Actually there are a lot of people here that were accepted to rival, UVA, but chose to chose this atmosphere.A lot of people think you come to Tech for engineering, but there are so many majors and a variety of great programs that are offered at VT.


Virginia Tech is seen as primarily an agriculture and technical school in the desolate cow fields of Southwestern Virginia. This a big football, big drinking, big campus institution that will be forever be known for its fight as the best public state college against those preppy Cavaliers. Students are stereotypically categorized into the cargo-wearing, socially inert Engineers and deep-burping, Animal Science hicks.


That everyone here is scary smart. Everyone here is an alcoholic.


Virginia Tech stereotypes? I would think Tech is usually thought of as a school for "good ol' country boys" and more recently as a "football town with a drinking problem". If you're considering Engineering, Architecture, Pre-vet or the like, you've probably heard about the ridiculous amounts of work you're going to have. Oh, and when I come home from breaks, people always seem to notice that my entire wardrobe now consists solely of VT t-shirts.


Since we have an agriculture program, people think we have a lot of rednecks. We are too obsessed with school spirit. It's easy to get into VT.