Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University?


-Obsessed with Hokie football!


That we are either hicks or stuck up greek snobs.


very school spirited


"all dirt roads lead to tech" that we're all either agriculture majors or engineers i don't really know of too many stereotypes, though, because it is SUCH a huge school with so many different types of people


That it is "redneck" because of the agriculture program or that it is a "tech" school because of the engineering program


Mostly from Northern Virgina Work Hard, Party Hard


Students who couldnt get into UVA


We are all cocky, think we are better than we are.


We are THE MOST spirited students. Especially after the events of 4-16, we are completely united and there for one another. There is no such thing as a stranger at Virginia Tech. If you are another hokie, you're practically family. Sporting events are crazy, and the fans are amazing. Games are never louder than when you come to Lane Stadium or Cassell. Some people think that VT is made mostly of boring engineers, and this is anything but true.


I feel like we don't really have a stereotype-- we have many types of people