Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University?


I would say some typical stereotypes about VT and VT students would be that it's a "country redneck" school and that it's not as prominent to our rival school UVa.


A lot of people think we're just a bunch of drunk, football obsessed rednecks.


Football town with a large white population


I'd say we have a great reputation as the world's greatest fans! But that stereotype is definitely true!


Rich snobs, or Ag hicks


that there are a lot of rich people that we are very friendly that we conduct ourselves like a large family extremely smart people athletes get off easy with regards to fulfilling academics


People think that everyone at VT is a math or engineering nerd.


Some people may think that VT is full of farmers and engineers, but there are other majors that rarely get any positive attention. Just because our university is in a small farming area that doesn't mean we're all farmers or engineers--there are other interesting pieces in the Virginia Tech puzzle.


Rednecks, farmers, dumb


Certain stereotypes about VT students include that we all just have to be complete football fans and go crazy over it. For certain majors its always heard that Engineers more or less have no idea and the hardest classes whereas things like Communication and Hospitality are the easiest to pass. About the school in general, whenever out in public everyone assumes you had to of been there even for a student, when yes there are 5,000 freshman students admitted each year.