Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University?


The type of person who should attend VA Tech is a student having a strong desire to learn. The student needs to be able to work in large classroom settings and be able to stay focused in this environment, this is a big university so the student needs to be prepared for that. There is a lot of school spirit at VA Tech and people love the football program. The students need to utilize their academic advisors and challenge themselves in course selection. Students must live on campus as freshman and it is not that bad.


A person that is really into football and drinking -- this person must be responsible enough to let those two qualities get in the way of their difficult school work.


This school is for any type of person. There are the math kids who only want to study, the frat boys who only wanna party, and then people like me and my friends who just want to have fun and do well at school too. You can always find people here you can relate to. It's impossible to not find friends and not have the time of your life. Students here just need to be able to balance school work with their social life becuase sometimes it can be difficult.


Typically if you love football, the mountains, engineering and a large, active campus, you should attend Virginia tech


Someone who is looking for a life-changing experience, to learn alot about their particular discipline, and wants to be part of a great community and wonderful tradition would fit in great here at this school.


Virginia Tech is mostly engineering, science, math and buisiness so the best type of person would be an intelligent person who is good at math and probably the sciences as well. Also a good liver never hurts.


A person that loves the activity of a large school with the small-town, family feel of a small school.


Any type of person who wants the best education possible for themselves and is ready to push themselves. This school is perfect for anyone who loves school spirit and is not afraid to yell for our team!!


People who love football games, school spirit and being involved, all while striving to do well academically. The social thrive here because its on the bigger size, but even the quieter people find their niche and end up loving it here.


All types there is a niche for everyone.