Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had realized that my best years were not already behind me. They did not end when I graduated from high school but rather began when I started at Tech.


I wish I would have known about all of the degree options.


I wish I had known more about the weather and really how cold it really gets there.


The parking situation


To be honest, I was slightly scared to go to college because I was not sure how well I would be able to interact and socialize with the others around me. The truth is, Virginia Tech is a great place to be and I have more friends than I had ever imagined. We form study groups on the week nights to study and work on upcoming classes, but we also have plenty of time to do all of the other activities on campus. I play soccer there and I still find time to do everything else. You really should go!




I wish I knew how great it was so I could have stayed for 5 years instead of 4.


More about the cor of cadets and how it makes college affordable.


More about greek life


been more aware of just how large the campus was