Virginia Union University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Virginia Union University know before they start?


If I could go back and tell myself some things on the future of going to college I think I would have to say that I should have done this sooner then I am now. For the fact I have been graduated from high school for 5 year now. I would have told myself to wait and have kids. But mistakes happen and its alright. I would have better prepared myself for the steps to come and getting the knowladge that I needed about going back to school. It is a big tep in your life that you have to better prepare for and think of ahead of time to know what it is that you want to do for the future. I wish I would have put better thought into college when I was in high school and what I wanted for my future.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself about college, I would tell myself to do hardier in my senior year. My senior year was very laid back and I slacked off. Some people say college is not right for them, but in the world today people need a good education. I would have tried hardier in high school to get scholarships to go to a four year college. College is nothing like high school. Its a time to be independent and no one is going to hold your hand anymore like high school. I would tell myself to fill out scholarship forms and make sure I make the deadline for any scholarship due. Community college is not a bad thing to go to, but a four year college away from home would have been better for me. I would not have went to the community college i had went to before RSHT because they try to be a four year college and not focus on the important thing. Which was me and all the other students. I would inform myself about the school I'm going to now because it is a wonderful school.


If I could go back in time and advise myself about the process of college, I would be more aware of the steps I had available. I would have been more aware of the proper dates of enrollment and during which time I could have registered as a concurrent enrolled student. Asking, understanding, and taking action is the first thing that I would advise myself to do. The entire procedure of getting into college and working through it is something that counselors are wonderfully amazing at advising students about. To not shy away even if a question seems silly, it clears your mind to get that question out of your head. Do not wait until the last moment to get informed or until senior year in high school to apply for college, it is best to begin the process as soon as possible. Furthermore, do not wait for others to do what you have to do because only you can take those steps. Visit as many colleges as you wish, to see which ones offer the major of your choice. Lastly, I would advise myself to take the required courses while still in high school, because time never goes back.


First of all I would Have done better in High School, as far as my grades, although I made good grades. I would have study harder to prepare myself for a career and would have research different schools and found out more about grants and fiancial assistance. You see I came from a family with 7 others sibblings and money was very tight. My family was not college graduates, so they did not talk to us about it , instead they got us thru high school and wanted us to get jobs to take care of ourself. I did go to a trade school and took a trade in the medical field. I wanted to continue my education but I fell in love and had a beautiful daughter, who did go to college and is doing well. I,m in college now and I feel very good about furthering my education , but like before money is still tight because I only work a part time job. But I am not going to let this keep me from my dream this time. I AM GOING TO BE ALL I CAN.


If I could go back to being a high school senior i would had taken the time and research going to college and starting a career. I started college got sidetrack and went a diffrent path. Thought about going back in my early 20's but didnt. had children and justed worked. Didnt experience college life and what it had to offer. If i had the knowledge to no how far going to college would benifit me. Would had finish school by now and moved on to a career. But now im in school its hard but i am juggling school and work with kids. Who knew that thinking that i am young i have plenty of time. But time goes so quickly and then you realize you have wasted so much time not learning but it is never to late to go back and I am. Would advise any high school senior to explore college life because i wish i had. Its a slow process but i am getting the skills i need to move on to bigger and better things. I am glad i decided to go back and learn and better myself and to make more money.


The best advice I think I could give would be to stay on top of your assignments. Teachers will give you many assignments often with them due at different times. It is extremely important to use you time wisely and not wait until the last minute to complete them. If you don't learn to budget your time well, you will find yourself behind. In the long run could cause you to have poor grades.


It's 1977, my future is in front of me. I just graduated from high school and was fortunate enough to have a trust fund to be able to attend college. I attended Ferrum College from 1977-1979 and graduated with an Associate in Science degree. I should have continued with college and earned my Bachelor's Degree. However, life got the way. I have aways wanted to go back to school and now I have the opportunity. I am enrolled at RSHT in Medical Billing and Coding and I feel that I am going in the right direction.


If I could go back to talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to not worry so much about things that don't really matter and focus on the things that do. I would also tell myself to not expect everything to be perfect. Shortly after high school I had a child and I often got very overwhelmed and stressed out because of all the chaos. I would certainly like to go back and tell myself to not be so concerned with making everything perfect and just enjoy life. Sometimes I feel that I missed out on some fun times because I got too stressed out over things that I should't have. However, I am very happy with the way my life is now and am very eager to finish school and be a certified medical biller and coder. School is very expensive but I believe that if I work hard I will get through it and it will have all been worth it in the end.


As a high school senior, I was shy, intelligent, caring, and friendly. I was a member of the DECA, Library, Multicultural, and SADD club and on the Drill Team (dance squad). However, I was also pregnant. Before this, my intentions were quite clear: finish my fourth year dancing, graduate with my class, and attend VA Tech. However, when your stomach is enormous, it's hard to fit into any uniform, let alone perform. So I quit. I did graduate with my class, but VT wasn't an option. If I could give myself advice, it would be to follow my dreams of attending college right after high school. The transition of meeting new people, making new friends, and even learning new things would have been much easier. As an adult, you are already set in your ways, it can sometimes be hard to get back into the groove of being in a school setting, and even harder to try new experiences. Not to mention balancing school with work and family. I would advise myself to consider all possible options that would have allowed me to go to VT in order to give myself and my child a better life.


If i could go back in time i would tell myself to learn how to fully study and not cram. I also would tell myself to learn how to balance my time and my life because i now find myself either being all studies and no down time or to much down time and not enough studying so i would learn how to manage my time better. I also would make sure i visit the campus i plan on choosing and not just talk to faculty but ask students what they feel about the campus. I would also make sure i came into college strong so it wouldnt be so hard to catch up and i would have been more social because in college its all about networking and meeting new people.